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Nautilus Shell request for educational purposes


Pygmy Octopus
Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
Hello Everyone,

I work for a non profit aquarium in San Francisco that runs educational programs for the public. I am putting together a project that involves talking about how cephalopods have shown the reduction of an external shell from the nautilus shell down to the complete absence of a shell in the octopus. I would like to have physical examples of all of these if possible. I have cuttlebones and squid pens available but not a nautilus shell. What would be the best and most ethical way to acquire a nautilus shell? Would anyone here be willing to donate or know someone willing to provide one to our institution?

Thank you very much and I hope everyone has a great day.


This is a good place to ask. I will tweet this thread to see if we can extend some visibility. I have one - only one... I had two, and I raffled one away at TONMOCON VII. These were originally in the possession of dear friend @monty who has passed so I intend to keep the one I have. I don't know of anyone else with one off-hand, maybe @gjbarord?
Thank you so much for the reply. Test runs of the presentation have shown me that people are interested in seeing the evolution of cephalopod shells and I hope I can have physical samples to display. Thank you again!
Thank you so much for the reply. Test runs of the presentation have shown me that people are interested in seeing the evolution of cephalopod shells and I hope I can have physical samples to display. Thank you again!


I LOVE some great shell education! I have some for you for sure. The only thing I would ask, more of suggest, is if you could add a little something on Save the Nautilus (www.savethenautilus.com), for the presentation. It is the non-profit that I work with for my nautilus work and would be great to get a conservation perspective out there - you could say the shells were provided by Dr. Gregory Barord of Save the Nautilus, etc.....
Send me a PM and we can get shipping information figured out.

And of course, any photos of the display you create would be great to share here!


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