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Interesting; the large fella is quite disinterested in the little fella, so we put another one in yesterday (and the two little chaps hang out together at the top of the tank, whilst the big one remains at the bottom, all blurry [frustrating really, but we are on to a solution]).

One new problem caused by admitting these two new squid is that they're messier eaters than the large one (that devours the entire fish). I didn't vacuum for a couple of days after adding the first little fella, and the bottom of the tank was littered with partially eaten/filleted fish. Had to do a rather serious, near-complete water change or the entire system (and both squid) would have crashed (it did smell somewhat). Water quality is improving, but it's still a little cloudy.

The big squid seems to prefer shrimp to fish, and the shrimp are added for the secondary purpose of cleaning the bottom of the tank. There's a bit of a food chain established in the tank right now.


  • conv_287690.jpg
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food chain? Wow, that's kinda neat...maybe a self sustained eviroment eventually?

Food Chain for thought: Hold the seals, hold the sperm whales! Hold the the Giant Squid and the humbolts! Don't you dare put the over large prdedators in there yet, Eric!
Have watched him devour ~ 10 fish over the space of as many minutes this morn. He cleaned out the tank last night - his appetite is fantastic!

The other two squid are doing just fine, although they spend all of their time at the very surface and are hardly visible. Big fella was eyeing them up this morn, so I thought it best to catch some more food.


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Steve O'Shea said:
Have watched him devour ~ 10 fish over the space of as many minutes this morn. He cleaned out the tank last night - his appetite is fantastic!
next: Students! :goofysca:

Yes sir! i'm working, sir! I'm being productive, sir!
Nooooooo...not the squid tank!!!

Poor TPOTH, good thing I soaked him in copper solution.
You here that Steve? You here that? You better not put poeple in the squid tank. No...wait. that's not copper solution, that selco!
( Chrono is currently unable to type since he is submerged underwater, if you want to see him, he can be seen on SquidCAM)\ :lol:
I think Carol and myself were wrestling for the controls.


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For an experiment, someone should put together a small submersible joystick interface that the squid could use to watch itself on a SquidCam monitor outside its tank. It would be interesting to see if the little guy ever caught on.

Heavens; it has just dawned on me that this fellow is over 6 months now (~ 6.5 months). Last week he devoured the two smaller squid, within the space of 3 hours (I was caught up doing something else, desperately trying to catch more food .... but wasn't quick enough).

He/she is looking very good (from the topside of the tank); no visible sign of cloudy eye, or mantle lesion. And it eats like a pig!

(That's 6.5 months of my life that this little sod has stolen.)
corw314 said:
I still swear he knows when someones' watching him!!!
Hi Carol,

I've had the same impression. The last time I checked in on the squid, it seemd to a) find the camera before I could find it, and b) stayed in the middle of the frame as I traversed and depressed the camera. Odd and slightly creepy.


Clem said:
Hi Carol,

I've had the same impression. The last time I checked in on the squid, it seemd to a) find the camera before I could find it, and b) stayed in the middle of the frame as I traversed and depressed the camera. Odd and slightly creepy.



Starting to feel like prey, Clem?


Between that squid and the hawks that loiter outside my window, yes, I do.

Clem (running out of mice)
THere are only a couple of fish left in the tank, after a fad feed this morn. Sigh. Thank heavens I'm close to the coast!


  • conv_287792.jpg
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I swear he follows the camera.......You move it away from him and it's like he's dashing after it! How big is he now? Did I catch someone standing near the tank? He (squidlet) seems really hyper tonight!

Big tank clean and massive feed today (I'm off for a couple of days for a tiny wee holiday). Looks a lot better; is too large for the tank; and the tank is still scratched terribly. All rather frustrating really.



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