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[Octopus]: "WHATLEY" the O.briareus


Staff member
Moderator (Staff)
Jul 13, 2008
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I've been holding out! I got this baby on March 15th and was really unsure that it would make it. I'm my experience I've only had 50/50 success when I get a little one. After a month I decided it might make it.

In May I was comfortable enough to go with the name WHATLEY- because D was my OctoMom. I was hesitant to commit to such an important name, it can't be used for just any old octopus- this can only be used for a really special one.

Before I knew it, it was June- but the Elder Ones in my life had great needs, so the basics were happening, but no time for social media. Plus, I was still feeling superstitious about sharing my friend. But then the little one's personality took off and now I can't hold back anymore.

Now there's a photo dump coming! 🤣




I didn't get a lot of photos in the beginning because WHATLEY was only coming out in the evening (during Star Trek, of course!) and they were still shy of the iPhone.

In the beginning of June WHATLEY was coming out in the early morning hours, playing on the glass and finally beginning to let me know they wanted to be fed. I had stocked the tank with so many little hermit crabs that it was still eating on those until then.





Denise Whatley (@DWhatley; aka "D") was such a beloved member of our community and staff. She contributed SO much (visit her profile to click through to all of her content). Such a great tribute @sedna to have your new octo in her name.

She created most of the content on this site. She just loved octopuses and learned a lot about them, and shared everything she could. She was extremely patient and just very expressive about all of it -- and she knew how to get stuff done. Very missed!


edit: This is from TONMOCON VI, in 2015, Sarasota, Florida (Mote Aquarium)
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A new vid from @sedna posted to our YouTube channel (here); sharing here as well:

Octopus Tank Cleaning
--WHATLEY the Caribbean Reef octopus (O.briareus) comes out midday to supervise housecleaning. ~Sedna@TONMO


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