Would you come to TONMOcon at Monterey, Aug. 5-7, 2005?

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Steve O'Shea said:
Where's that Regal-footed Right-Honourable Sir Dr Ummmm..... stand in all of this? Surely if we can make it over from NZ then this chappy can make it from Canada!
So...When do the events unfold or am I jumping too far ahead? We've been looking at flying out the 4th and returning on the 8th. Priceline seems to have some reasonable fares, if you don't care when you fly...Do I hold off on booking a room?
We're still checking booking options with the various Monterey hotels currently bidding, so hold off a little longer. Definitely consider Southwest Airlines from either BWI or (I believe) Newark to San Jose.
wow im incredibly jealous! but not jealous enough to fly over from australia...sorry guys lol...would it be possible to have video and pictures and a log and stuff for all the out of towners? thatd be cool
Wm Gilly said:
I think the convention is a great idea -- especially since it will be in Monterey. I look forward to interdigitating carpal pads with everybody.

Hey there Dr. Gilly. Fancy seeing you here. I'm in Santa Cruz now but I'm happy to drive an hour for this. Perhaps we can all lobby the aquarium for a squid exhibit.

Some random thoughts to share:

-- I hope to speak with Melissa today to set the framework for some of these logistics (and also, importantly, the weekend agenda)...

-- I did take some time a week ago to play with some t-shirt designs... it should say "TONMO.com Cephalopod Convention I -- Monterey Bay, CA -- August 5-7, 2005" and carry some cool ceph image. I might want to open up a separate poll to gauge interest. Getting t-shirts designed and produced obviously requires an up-front fee, I don't want to be going home with a bunch of XXX-Large or XXX-Small t-shirts that are of no use to me. If anyone wants to assist in the project, I'm all ears.

-- I'll be launching a dedicated page containing details about the event, should be easier to keep track of the latest news that way -- this thread will be good (and will grow large) for general discussion about it. In fact, I think I'll set up a dedicated sub-forum for the convention as well (it'll be a sub-forum of The Octopus' Den). [EDIT: no need for the dedicated page given the new sub-forum.]

-- I'd like to get our Chat room up and running so we can perhaps have a laptop and a Chat event with those who can't make it.

-- Lots of digital pics and videos; will set up a devoted area in the Gallery for the pics.

-- For those asking about "next time", being on the East coast, I will be a big proponent of having it somewhere such as the NJ Aquarium or better, the Baltimore Aquarium. (Maybe they'll take us more seriously after this event :wink:)
Pay my airfare and I'll come along

My major problem is that I'm in Australia and it's a long way from Monterey by foot...

Cheers, KRin
Huzzah! Just as my family decides that we'll be going to Monteray during the Summer, one way or another, I'll be there! Now, who will be supplying nametags?
Hey, would love to

I live in Northern California (7 hours north of Monterey though), but I *was* hoping to take a vacation to southern CA sometime in Aug.! My kids & I loved our last visit to MBA, and they impressed the staff with the ceph facts they knew because of TONMO... to meet Steve O'Shea would just be far out & right on. :cool2: :oshea: :squidaut:

Well I wish I could be more definite! If it matches up w/ the sched. of the family & I can get it off work, it's a very distinct possibility!

You know, when I first read that the convention would be in Monterrey Bay I was thinking that it would be awfully cold and wet and the quality of the lectures might not be so great since it's so hard to speak clearly underwater. But now that they've released the white shark into the bay, maybe this gives us all another chance to see her, up close and personal.

I think I will probably go, but I'm not sure yet. Just started a new job and I've got a lot of things to catch up on over the summer. The release of the white shark is a real motivation killer too.
if anyone's making hotel reservations already, tell me which hotwl u guys are staying at! (Sorry if my spelling is a bit shrot since one of my fingers is swollen from a cut..
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