Well, maybe not but they LOOK like escargot.
I found a new international market (Assi - looks and very much like an H-Mart) about 45 minutes from the house and shopped their seafood section. Among the new items I found to try were snails in a large bucket and a small amount of water. I realized when I got them home that I did not know if they were fresh or saltwater snails
. I put one one in each environment and the one in the saltwater started to crawl around the cup in a normal looking manner (and did not react to the salt like a salted slug
as I half expected). The one in the freshwater drew itself tightly into its shell so into Monty's old aquarium they went. They were obviously saltwater as the ones I have not fed out are surviving and active after two weeks. These have a particularly large opening at the mouth of the shell and the shell is semi-opaque when empty like the escargot snails served in restaurants (I have no clue as to the proper name and Wikipedia says the kinds used are usually land snails). All three octos will eat them within 24 hours where they leave my others
mostly alone (Monty seems to take a liking to the others as I have mostly empty shells in his tank now).
I also picked up shell-on and shell and heads-on shrimp, frozen cuttlefish
, abalone and fresh, uncleaned squid. This is the first store-bought shrimp Monty has taken (we are convinced he is insisting that food has a shell and I am not finding the shrimp shells so I am wondering if he is actually eating them along with crab shell - crab claws I find but not the body or legs, very odd). The twins will begrudgingly eat the abalone and we will try to entice them to take it more willingly but the squid and cuttlefish were rejected (which was fine by me really).
I also found live conch and picked one up to try a rescue. I am not sure if it was dead when I bought it or just too far gone but when I got it home is was definitely dead. We cut up the meat and froze it but I don't think it has been offered yet. I will try rescuing another next time but will take a bucket of saltwater with me and make sure I actually see movement.