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West Coast Meet-up?

Group shrinkage!

Seems like some of our major bay area players are going to be out. Is this something we should try to reschedule? As much as I'd like to have it while ob is here, it might be tough. I'm not sure I want to blow the gas if no one will be there. No offense ob; you aren't nobody for sure. I'm just feeling cheap at the moment (wife tooth..dentist...blech).

What does October look like for you? It's a good month to feel cephy.
If you organize something on the West coast in 2007, I am planning a trip down to Mexico and would be pleased to stop in for some kind of TONMOFest.
A San Diego TONMOCON would be fantastic!

I can see it now on the schedule,

"Marineboy's octopus tidepools tour! Get your waders ready! Because its gonna get wet!!!!"

If we had a mini TONMOCON in San Diego in the september-january months I could show everyone my favorite bimac catching spots. Oh, and Ill show you were I caught the one that didn't make it to you Dan.

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