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West Coast Meet-up?

Wow, this would be great for me and Rebecca, but we just recently left the Coast for the Sonoran Desert. Hope y'all have fun, though. I wholeheartedly support mini-tonmocons. SF Bay area is awesome. Enjoy!
Looks like Fondue Fred unless we can find another place. I've only eaten at a couple of places in Berkeley so I'm no authority on eateries there. Fat Slice, Worlds Best Tri-Tip (cilantro-garlic sauce to die for), and some Indian restaurant off University are about the only places I know of.

ob's going to be around on September 9th and 10th, do either of those days jive for everyone?
I continue to be a definite maybe...
How can you be in Japan when we have Mini-Tonmocon Westsiiiiiide? You are one of the local peeps! I'd love to reschedule it when everyone can make it, but ob is going to be in town that weekend, and he's from WAY out of town. Can't you send a clone to Japan?
Ahhh.... id love to join you guys, but my girlfriend and I have been planning this trip for a while...

Ill be back after the 17th =)

Unless you guys reschedule, I wish you guys a fun mini-Tonmocon!!
Perhaps next summer or the one after we should have a TONMO-Con in San Diego. This may prove especially popular with octo-owners if cb bimacs are still unavailable since they can be collected there legally for personal use with a fishing license.

I like the idea of San Diego. It's a fairly nice city, and it's only minutes from TJ! The weather there is also pretty mild and predictable. Nice suggestion.
argh, I just found out I need to be in Orange County that weekend... sigh, maybe next time, unless plans change...
I'm currently working on setting-up Tonmocon II. I'll start a new thread when things line up. Keep those tentacle-clubs crossed!

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