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  • Looking to buy a cephalopod? Check out Tomh's Cephs Forum, and this post in particular shares important info about our policies as it relates to responsible ceph-keeping.

New to cephs


Pygmy Octopus
Dec 19, 2007
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Hi, my name is pat, i live in southern California, and i am looking to getting into octopus care. I used to have a 20gal eclipse tank that was converted into an agressive salt water tank. I've been out of the salt water fish care for about two years but am looking to get a new tank and my first octopus. i have read the care article and i think i am up for the task at hand. I am not sure what size tank i should go with. i was thinking a 29 or 34 gal tank. My budget is around $500-$600. I would love some help and input from you all.
Pattro;106513 said:
Hi, my name is pat, i live in southern California, and i am looking to getting into octopus care. I used to have a 20gal eclipse tank that was converted into an agressive salt water tank. I've been out of the salt water fish care for about two years but am looking to get a new tank and my first octopus. i have read the care article and i think i am up for the task at hand. I am not sure what size tank i should go with. i was thinking a 29 or 34 gal tank. My budget is around $500-$600. I would love some help and input from you all.

:welcome: to TONMO

If you have the option, we recommend 55 gallon tanks for the octos that tend to make the best pets, so it's worth considering that. Usually, the biggest cost in octo-keeping is providing food, actually. Check out the ceph care articles under the ARTICLES button at the top for some tank recommendations, and the tank owner's database can be helpful as well. In general, octos small enough not to outgrow a 30 gallon tend to be very shy, nocturnal, and short-lived, while going up to 55-75 gallons is best for larger octos like bimacs or briareus.
Would i need a chiller for a bimac? i live in southern California. Our house, if anything would be on the colder side for SoCal, we have slate floors that keep it pretty cool.
I have decieded to go with a 50gal tank so i would accomidate a bimac. my house doesnt get above 72-73 in the summer but I may re assess the need for a chiller around my birthday, which is in april. My LFS has an employee who has taken care of Cephs for 25 years in different Aquariums, including Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, so I feel like with you guys and him I have a pretty good chance of succeding.

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