Architeuthis again (never a dull moment in New Zealand) | Page 10

Architeuthis again (never a dull moment in New Zealand)

That is soooo cool and what a great idea. It will be interesting to see what these guys look like when they are not deflated. Do you plan on coloring them when the process is through (as though they are alive)? Where will these be exhibited? Heidelberg has an exhibit of his human bodies in Los Angeles, which I've been trying to get up to see. Keep us posted as to the progress Steve!

Are all "controversial" scientists contractually obligated to wear silly hats?

This is very cool news. Thanks for the sneak peek.

Thanks M!!

... though I don't think I've done anything 'controversial', so perhaps the title isn't fitting.

Meeting Gunther was a highlight of my time thus far; I learnt so much from him during his week here that I'll be able to prepare even-better specimens of large-bodied animals for more-conventional display (tanks and preservatives). That's got to be a bonus for everyone.

In fact I'll have to revise the large-squid fixing note article, as there are a few things that I would definitely change!
Who, me? (That's me on the Left)

That should be interesting please keep us posted on how it all works! We'd thought of plastinating a squid but our anatomy museum (who have plastinated people!) were concerned that over time it would get very brittle, aparently human cadavers do :shock: OF course your squid are going to the "plastination master" hopefully that will make a difference!

Newfoundland back in the race?

:wink: I feel quite happy to notice that Newfoundland has been at last visited again by Mr (or Ms?) Architeuthis...
Remembering my not that old emotions about this country which seemed for such a long time to be almost exclusive home to giant squids and the hours I spent studying detailed maps in order to find various "Cove" (and Conception Bay as well, by the way) and reading late Dr Aldrich's reports, I feel grateful to this guy to have decided (?) to come and die there, for a change!
No offence to New Zealand, of course!:notworth:
Well, they're safely in Germany, no worse for wear, after a quick and eventless flight.

These pics from Germany, via Karen Schuessler-Leipold, Institut für Plastination.

That's one magnificent tank!!! If only I had facilities like this ... wasn't dealing with self-made wooden coffins with plastic liners. They've gone to a very good home, and I'm rather excited about the future.


Well, it should be interesting to follow...the article states that it will take up to a year to complete???
As the process is now well and truly outside of my hands I'll be in the dark as well, but I don't mind (have to move on to the next step, and there certainly are plenty of other rather exciting projects/challenges to keep me entertained). Here we have a truly exceptional fellow that is capable of doing something truly exceptional to these squid, and that unveiling, having been in the dark for many months, is the reward. I'm sure we'll all read about it in the papers when it finally happens.

... and they will not look anywhere near as 'sad' and damaged as they do in these pics!!! What he can do is nothing short of fantastically marvelous!

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