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55gal. Bimac tank...


Oct 10, 2004
I'm in the process of setting up a 55gal. tank to house a single Bimac. As of tonight, with the work I've done, the tank is now escape proof (even though I've heard these guys are contect in a tank).

Any suggestions from people who are currently keeping any Bimacs?
Hi, and welcome to TONMO.com!

We have a lot of information including a Bimac Care Sheet available on our Ceph Care page (click on Ceph Care above).

You can also look at the Octo Database (click on Octo DB above). We do have a number of people keeping bimacs now, and you can find some of their reports and pics under Journals and Photos in this forum.

And you're welcome to ask specific questions.

i myself have just set up a tank for cuttles yesterday, so my new experience may be useful.

Secure a source of and collect food a few days prior to the arrival of you octo and keep it in the sump.

arrange - and possibly glue - the liverock VERY securely, even without a ceph they tend to move and crush things!

Try to get everything in the tank in advance and let the tank run for a week (in addition to cycling) without touching it to make sure it is stable doing regular tests.

Read as much as you can from everywhere and decide for yourself - though collin and nancy are *always* right :lol: - thanks guys ur advice is always great!!!

however you cant really prepare perfectly - something will go wrong but its part of the fun and challenge - thats what this site is for!

GOOD LUCK!!! :heee:
I'm planning to buy my Bimac from octopets.com along with a good supply of food they sell too.

The tank has been running for 2 months, with only live rock in it...just wanted it as stable as possible.

I only have to finish my sump and we'll be good to go...I know about the "surprise problems"...lol. I've got 5 more saltwater tanks running...everything from a 10gal. Mantis tank to a 200gal. predator tank.
:welcome: AW2EOD! Is you sump already set up or are you in the process? Nancy and Collin are the Octo gods of TONMO. If you got a problem or question they will go out of their way to help you out. I love you guys!!!!

Donnie Darko
Welcome to Tonmo...sounds like you did a great job setting everything up...look forward to hearing more!
ddarko66 said:
:welcome: AW2EOD! Is you sump already set up or are you in the process? Nancy and Collin are the Octo gods of TONMO. If you got a problem or question they will go out of their way to help you out. I love you guys!!!!

Donnie Darko

I havent set the sump up, yet...it'll be another month or so before everything is done and I can put in the Bimac.
sounds like ur well experienced and prepared but you should cycle the tank for a while with the sump set up and working along with the tank - after all it is the bacteria in the filter whch need to mature!

Good luck :P
Well...the Bimac has been postponed. :(

I needed a tank I have set up, for something else. So, I had to move my Peacock Mantis/Domino Damsel combo into the Bimac tank. Now, it's probably going to be another few months before I can get my Bimac...

But, that's not such a bad thing. It'll give me a chance to get the sump up and running for a while on the 55gal. before the Bimac goes in.

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