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  • Looking to buy a cephalopod? Check out Tomh's Cephs Forum, and this post in particular shares important info about our policies as it relates to responsible ceph-keeping.

You type I read!


Dec 26, 2007
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:read:Ok so I'm sure you all have heard this question before but here I go.......So I have an empty 40 gallon tank. I wanna know what is the best small beginner octo that is not nocturnal? I know I have alot more research to do, looks like I came to the rigt place! GO!!

Can't add much to what's been suggested except to say if you do decide to get a bigger tank (or indeed use your 40 for a dwarf) you must be absolutely sure that there has NEVER been copper in the tank, it is fatal to cephs an impodssible to get rid of!

Jean;107047 said:

Can't add much to what's been suggested except to say if you do decide to get a bigger tank (or indeed use your 40 for a dwarf) you must be absolutely sure that there has NEVER been copper in the tank, it is fatal to cephs an impodssible to get rid of!


Is there a way to test for copper in a tank?? I have a 40 gallon as well that I managed to get for free and was thinking about starting a cuttlefish tank, not anytime soon, I know I would have to cycle it and everything first, and I want to do a little more research :read:, but maybe by the summer when I have a little more time.
you can test it if you fill it with water..... OR as an extra precaution you could start by re-sealing it with fresh silicone :)
You can either bring in a sample of water to your lfs and they'll test it for you or you can also buy a copper test.

AquaForce;107089 said:
you can test it if you fill it with water..... OR as an extra precaution you could start by re-sealing it with fresh silicone :)

You'd have to be sure you got EVERY scrap of old silicon out! Copper is pernicious stuff and will seep out of the smallest piece!


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