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What is your octo's name?


Jan 11, 2008
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I was just curious to see some of the names people have come up with for their octos. I talked with my husband last night about eventually getting one once I have my saltwater tank octoproofed, set up and running for a few months and at first he was "Eh" then I said "We could name it C'thulu..." "Okay! Can we feed it the souls of a dying world?" "No" "Awwww"
Ink, Inklet, Rummler, Lil Pumpkin, Egor, Hermin, Biddle, G-2, Stumpy, and that's all I can think of the moment. For me, we take turns. Sometimes the kids name them hence Lil Pumpkin's name and sometimes a name just hits me like Biddle was the name of a residents lawyer and Rummler was the name of a teacher I worked with!
corw314;108017 said:
Ink, Inklet, Rummler, Lil Pumpkin, Egor, Hermin, Biddle, G-2, Stumpy, and that's all I can think of the moment. For me, we take turns. Sometimes the kids name them hence Lil Pumpkin's name and sometimes a name just hits me like Biddle was the name of a residents lawyer and Rummler was the name of a teacher I worked with!

^_^ Cute! lol I like Rummler. For some reason Dante hit me as a good name for any really explorative octopi.
The best place to look for a long list of octopus names is the List of Our Octopuses at the top of the Journals and Photos forum in Ceph Care:

This list has become so long that it's divided into two separate posts.
Last year I recorded more than 70 TONMO.com octopuses, and most have been give names.

It's facinating to read all the names!


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