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Update on bimac siblings


Staff member
Moderator (Staff)
Nov 20, 2002
Dallas Texas
With the passing of Ashi, we lost another bimac sibling. I've updated the sticky note, and here is the updated list

The Agent
Ocho (?)
Lil Pumpkin (10/03/2003 - 03/14/2004)
Truffles (02/13/2004 - 03/26/2004)
Ashi (01/30/2004 - 07/26/2004)

The first date is the arrival date, not the hatch date.

I learned from Nepture that Ochi is doing well, that Neptune has been traveling a lot and hasn't had time to post. We know that Inklet is getting along fine, but haven't heard about the Agent for a while. Camo and Ocho haven't reported in for many months.

The best I can fiqure is, Ash lived about 9 months. Seven of those were in my care. I think I read here somewhere that the oldest anyone has kept one was 10 months. So It seems Ashi died a little prematurely. Perhaps his water being a little warmer than normal, 72-74 degrees may have sped up the life cycle. I haven't tested his tank water due to the fact that he was in the tank dead, for a day and a half before I found him, So I know the water would test bad. But It had always been good before.


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