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S Bandensis

OH GOD!!! i think i just made my first nerd joke!!!... i dont like the way this is going...lol - better go play basketball or something now...hahahahahaha

and tell us when the vids are up!
joel_ang said:
Just when I thought jealousy couldn't reach a higher point... it just did :mrgreen:

Your cuttles are really looking great, how long are you waiting before you start to seperate them? Any chance we could get some feeding videos or pictures? :smile:

Hi Joel, thanks for your kind words,

I plan to seperate pretty soon actually, but only by introducing one breeding net. From observations, in looks like they enjoy the security of having other in the net to snuggle up to, so will separate out to 10 a net or so.

I have been playing about with the video so will try to get some feeding shots soon!
Couple of updated close ups:

Mouth full of food:

very cool - did you manage to get any vids?

It looks like they are getting more colour on them is this just cos they were feeding or does this happen as they grow?
Chromatophores are active in the egg IIRC, and they colour up depending on the time of day and mood in my experience.

Even though I flood feed, one bully cuttle will still try and steal of another - when this happens their head region flashes before they pounce! :lol:

I did get some vids, but they are massive files! I need to compress them first in a suitable manner before I can publish.

Stay tuned though!
Hi Rabib S

As you are in CA there is very little chance that permission would b given to ship them from the UK to you and the survival rate would probably be very low. Its one of the reasons that Mikey got them as eggs. Normally they travel very poorly and have huge casualties. Even OctoPets buy their cuttlefish as eggs
Unfortunately lost a very very small juvy, that never really grew bigger than about 9 mm ML. I had seperated it last week to try and saturate feed, but alas this morning was no more. Sad, but I guess one out of 42 aint bad.

So, I have the cuttlebone and Righty said maybe an ID would be possible from it - my question, where how can I use it to ID them?

Thanks in advance,

Hi Mikey, best bet might be to get a pic and post it in a new thread in the physiology section of Steve's bit. He has much better ID knowledge than me :smile:
Also i know Mark Norman often includes all the cuttlebones found in the relevant area in his books on cephalopods! - I hadn't checked in on this topic for a while - sorry to hear of the loss - but as you say - i thiink you are doing an awesome job! (how big now?)

Oh and hows the website coming on?
My dad collected some more food for me and came back with not many mysis, but loads of what i think are river shrimp. The were not as big as the ones i had caught but still about twice the full length of the cuttles.

I thought they will never eat them and will be hungry - but I tried them and they certianly know how to catch and kill big prey!! So will be gradually moving onto a second food in these shrimps (or prawns??)

Also, my cuttles in the main tank are now getting used to being fed. They would at one point only come out after the whole room was in darkness - now they come out when i'm in the room and the tank lights are off - also when i feed them.

Becoming more and more convinced they are Bandensis now - extremley stumpy spined, cameleon eyes, and walking on the two arms.

Time will tell, but these guys are doing great!
where do you get those eggs

where is everyone getting these eggs. it seems like people are getting them from thin air. sorry if i sound like my only use for this site is to get cuttles for my self. its just that my cuttle died and i want to get more before i get any lonelier. :shock:
They aren't coming out of thin air - I have been working for three months to get some and it isn't a sure thing until they arrive. I don't know where Mikey is getting his, but he is in another country!

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