Protein Skimmer | The Octopus News Magazine Online
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Protein Skimmer


Mar 9, 2015
Fort Collins, Colorado
I got my protein skimmer last week and finally assembled it. When i got it the package says hang-on protein skimmer, (which i thought it could do either hang on or in sump...oops) can a protein skimmer hang onto the side of the sump and be just as effective? or does it need to be submerged?
The pump and the return must be in the sump with the pump submerged but the canister does not matter EXCEPT for problems with it overflowing. I have one that I did not know required outside hanging (I have several of this brand and this is the first one that could not go in-sump - still wondering if I missed a way to turn it around). Check your waste cup to see if it has a small rubber plug. If so (I suspect it will) this can be used to make it safer for the floor. Remove the plug and add the largest tubing that fits securely (largest because you don't want it to back up) then run the tubing to a filter bag inside the sump. You definitely want a filter bag since this is waste that would normally stay in the cup (some people use external gallon jugs but an over active skimmer can fill one quickly and having the return inside the sump eliminates having to monitor it). I multi-purpose my filter sock to catch excess skimmer water, catch the return water (eliminating micro bubbles returning to the display) as well as providing additional filtration.
Another question, is using two canister filters along with a sump a good or bad idea? I've got two canister filters, but no tank to use them for yet, and am wondering if the extra filtration they provide would be a good move
It won't hurt but what a maintenance PITA when you have to clean them (otherwise you build nitrates). Unlike a coral garden, you can't overfilter an octo tank.

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