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New Here Hello!

Aug 22, 2003
Hello everyone,

We are new here and having a ball reading all the stories and checking out the pics. We are interested in someday having an octo own us. Probably wont even get started untill late sometime next year but, till then will be reading all we can on this site to prepare us. Right now we have a 46g reef and have been set up with that for about 2 months. Found a thread to this site on RC. Eventually, we want to get 180g and turn our 46g into an octo palace. We have alot to learn here and look forward to it.

Mark and Gina
Welcome to Tonmo!!! Where we will certainly be happy to help you with your octo-questions! :grad:
There are some really great people on board here, and a wealth of info...glad you found us!
send in some pics of the reef tank if possible...always nice to see a fellow aquarist's tank!
Hi and :welcome: to TONMO.com Gina and Mark,
You have definitely come to the right place. We certainly hope that we will be able to answer any questions that you might have.

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