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Hello from Canada

Feb 26, 2004
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My name is Michael Schmidt, and I am a new member from canada. Although Vancouver B.C. is my home, I am temporarily stuck in Edmonton (kinda like Joel in Northern Exposure!)

I am a commercial fossil dealer, so most of the cephalopod material that I see has been dead for a VERY long time. I very much enjoy seeing modern, living material.

I sell a huge range of fossil materials. Everything from invertebrates (ammonites, trilobites, plant material, insects, lobster, squid, shrimp, crabs, etc.), right up to vertebrate material like mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and dinosaur material.....including complete skeletons.

I do my best to sell as much material as I can to academics- I recently sold a completely new mosasaur genus to the University of Alberta, and will be soon going to Lebanon to do field work with the UofA on the Cretaceous marine deposits of Hakel.

If anyone ever is interested in any fossil materials, whether just to see the photos, or to purchase them (I tend to be cheaper than a lot of my competitors :-) ) please don't hesitate to contact me!


:welcome: again, Michael. Could you ever be persuaded to post selected photos into the galleries here?

:canada: (I'm from the Evil Empire of Ontario)
Hi Michael,

Welcome to TONMO.com :welcome:

There's a lot of interest in fossils on this website, as you've probably noticed - mainly the ancestors of our present days cephs.

You might want to post on our Marketplace and put a few of the fossils you have to offer.

Sounds like you have an interesting job!

fossil materials

thanks! I joined the site hoping to learn more about squids and octopi, but I also hoped that I may be able to sell some fossil specimens to members. What do you think about that? Do you know a lot about the list membership? Are there a lot of reserachers on this list? What about members that would be interested in purchasing fossil material? Any thoughts you have would be appreciated!!


Hi Michael,

I imagine people would be interested in buying some of your fossils. We have quite a diverse group of people checking in here at TONMO.com. Do you have a website, or you just find out what people are interested in and make suggestions?

Why don't you do a little ad for yourself on the Marketplace, and put a few sample offerings? That could get things started.

fossil materials


thanks for the note. I do have a website with a partner in the states, but if I sell anything off the websie I usually have to sell it for more to cover costs of the site and profit splits for my partner. I have posted a couple of things in the marketplace section, so I guess we will just have to see what happens. It's far easier for me to just get the particulars of what someone wants and then send them off the info on what I have....


Hi Michael,

A very warm welcome to TONMO to you!

Well what can I say? The images you have provided over the last day have been absolutely sensational, especially the heteromorph. In fact I think you have almost provided too many images for us to comment on! You may receive some trade from this website and certainly it is frequented by academics and professionals (our very own Dr Steve O'Shea is a leading authority on cephalopods) so hang in there and I'm sure you will receive some trade. Although not a great many people contribute to the fossils section compared to say, Ceph Care, I think the posts are quite frequently read by non-contributors so I'm sure you will receive some interest. (If only I had more money myself!)

Nonetheless, I think we are all pleased that you have contributed these images and details. They really have helped reinforce what a varied, interesting and disparate group the cephalopoda were in the past with many varying soft-bodied morphologies.

As um... has commented can you be persuaded to allow us to to post some of these images in the gallery please? That way visitors can continue to admire them without having to search through the forum posts.

Look forward to your contributions in the future!


:welcome: :trilobit:
fossil images for the gallery

if you can send me an email, I will send you images of material that you can post in your gallery. Most of this is ok, but there is the occasional specimen that I probably shouldn't be posting until I know whether I've sold it or not (that huge heteromorph for example)

however, all of the material I have sold in the past is perfectly fine!

send me an email and I will send off pics and the appropriate info off to you!



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