Favorite Lovecraft story | Page 3 | The Octopus News Magazine Online

Favorite Lovecraft story

I bet you've just tried pratchett's early discworld stuff. Try small gods, it is a multileveled work on the nature of religion.

weren't the nicklepedes from piers anthony's xanth books?

got 51 my first try
Whoops...dislexia in atcion (sic) ! You are correct, I was referring to the Xanth books. I've tried to get into Pratchett, but just can't.
Not even Hogfather? :sad:


Have you tried Good Omens? It's a co-effort, which might make it more bearable...
ahhh, my fave would probably have to be At the Mountains of Madness, but Dream Quest is good, even if it's more like a dark fantasy story! Shadow out of Time's pretty cool also, as is Whisperer. I liked some of his more obscure ones also, like the ones set in the Dreamlands, the Doom that Came to Sarnath and the like. A few of the non-Lovecraft ones are good too! The Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos is a great book, there's a couple of crackers by Derleth in there!
As for Pratchett... are you MAD man!? The guy's a literary genius!

Always thought that "Rats in the Walls" was a good one...not as great as "The Colour Out of Space", but close.
Pratchett, a literary genius? Come on...schlock plots with thin characters. Pick up James Thurber and compare the two...night and day! A bunch of my friends really, really love Pratchett's work, so, yes...of course he is talented, and appeals to a lot of people. Just not to me.

ah well. S'pose it's just "whatever floats yer boat" at the end of the day... very much like HPL. I know a couple of people who just didn't like him, and a lot of people reckon he's a bad writer, but with an amazing imagination. He's not the BEST writer out there, but I never saw a problem with his stuff to be honest!

Shanlyn, the missus, tried to read HPL a few times...gave up, and said "damn, this is BORING!" But she likes the Pratchett stuff...like you said, different strokes...etc.
My faves will have to be the first few I read "The rats in the Walls", "Call of Cthulhu", "The Dunwich Horror", and "A Shadow over Innsmouth".

Didn't Fritz Lieber (best known for Fathhrd and the Grey Mouser) also write a few mythos stories? and I seem to remember that Stephen King and Alan Dean Foster also wrote a couple.
yyeahhhh... :hmm: >scratches chin< I can't name any just now, but sure they in fact did! Fritz Lieber... something's telling me "Terror from the Deep" or something??? If it's the one I'm thinking of; fantastic story!! And also quite sad. See, I'm also trying to rememeber who wrote "Rising with Surtsey", but I'm pretty sure I'm correct with the first one.
I wish I had the book with me just now, but it's not around just now. Has stuff by Frank Belknapp Long and August Derleth as well.


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