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Cuttlefish Pappa - 360 degrees of cuttle!


Jun 7, 2004
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Hi all,

Well, it seems all this talk has got my guys going!

You'll remember my cuttle escapades right back from when I got the eggs, hatching, growing, and of late a LOT of canoodling.

Well, the cuttle gang have laid some eggs!!!!!!!!! So 360 degrees of cuttlefish life i've witnessed.

It's been a slog at times, but finally paying off. Two bunches, laid in most awkward place ever! Aint it typical!! :lol:

Hoping these are the first of a good few more, in easier to reach places next time!!
Pics are gonna be very very hard Rich, they are under the base stone of the rock formation in my tank. Buggers! I hope I get some accessible eggs soon.

There was one cuttle lying next to them, until feedin time that was :lol:

My concern is that without ripping the tank to bits, I cant get at them. I think I will have to let them hatch, but then, my guess is that they will become adult cuttle food. I only noticed them today, and i'm usually a good tank observist daily, so I reckon they were laid last night.

I think i have to face it that these will have to hatch in tank, and I will try and catch them when they do - not looking forward to that!

Mine are nearing 5 months old now.

Damn, wish I could get pics for you guys - i may just try with the flash now!
Mikey said:
Pics are gonna be very very hard Rich, they are under the base stone of the rock formation in my tank. Buggers! I hope I get some accessible eggs soon.

I am sure you will!

There was one cuttle lying next to them, until feedin time that was :lol:


My concern is that without ripping the tank to bits, I cant get at them. I think I will have to let them hatch, but then, my guess is that they will become adult cuttle food. I only noticed them today, and i'm usually a good tank observist daily, so I reckon they were laid last night.

I think i have to face it that these will have to hatch in tank, and I will try and catch them when they do - not looking forward to that!

S.o don't seem to bother their babies, perhaps it will be the same with S.b. As the eggs begin to swell, you will prolly be able to snag the attach point with long tweezers.
Mine are nearing 5 months old now.
Great! I can look forward to december babies!

Damn, wish I could get pics for you guys - i may just try with the flash now!

That would be great!
Well, you asked for these Rich!

Please bear in mind that the tank lights are off, I was using a torch in one hand and camera in the other, and the opening under this rock is about 1 inch :lol: - hence they are quite bad!

Oh, and a native snail i have been using in the tank for clean up crew is holding them up for me :lol:


There's about 7 in this one you can see, and the same in the one behind it (which you cant!).

Will keep you posted!
Strangely, there always seems to be a cuttle around the eggs, this maternal care thing is looking like it could be the case, but more observations to follow.
Just got home after a long weekend away and another 2 bunches that I can see - all in the same god damn place - under that HUGE rock!!

Arghh!! :lol:
Just got home after a long weekend away and another 2 bunches that I can see - all in the same god damn place - under that HUGE rock!!

Arghh!! :lol:
To add a little, the journey, although come round 30 degrees, may stop soon.

Changes to my persoanl life mean I spend less and less time at home - i'm having to think hard about whether I'll be able to continue, and provide the best possible care for the animals.

Will keep you posted.

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