ok, so I Have been toying around with the idea of keeping dwarf cuttlefish in my aquarium. It is an sps dominant 210g tank (obv would need to re-home all of the fish). I have a few questions on keeping them and have been having trouble finding answers with my research. I've kept saltwater for 10 years and keeping stable parameters aren't an issue for me. My question is on the feeding of mysids. How does everyone store the live mysids over an extended period of time? Is it at all possible to culture live mysids to sustain the cuttles during the rearing period? I live in Ohio so I have not found any areas to find live mysid cultures and would need to order them. If I can't culture mysids then how many would I need to order to keep say 10-12 cuttles alive at a time? what does everyone do with their extra eggs?