In addition to what Greg has suggested, remember that this is a tiny octopus, so it would have a tiny amount of ink! Your skimmer could handle it quite well.
And this is a note to everyone: If you have an octo, it's a good idea to always keep enough saltwater mixed up, tested and ready in case you need to do a 20% water change. If you have a problem, it's not the time to be running out to buy water, and you can't use it right after you've added the salt, anyway.
There are various ways to acclimate you new octo. I gently poured all the water and little Ollie into a large container (It was a big glass mixing bowl). I removed some of the original water, and began adding water from the tank, just a couple of tablespoons at a time. Ollie was swiming around the bowl, looking up at us. After about an hour, when there was more water from my tank than the original water, we carried the bowl over to the tank and picked Ollie up and put her in her new home. (You could combine the drip method with the bowl, if desired. )
She never inked or had any problem, but she did disappear for a couple of days, probably living off my very good supply of amphipods and resting up from her trip.