Yes, and you also have the issue of octo-escape to consider...generally, a clamped-down lid is better. Bimacs aren't so prone to it, but...can happen. That's why I went to a was a bit easier to escape-proof the tank, and because I have some corals and strong lighting, I'm putting some decent heat in there anyway. Evap. cooling from building a sump was the cheapest way for me to go. If I really need to, I can get a $100 Ice Probe (also available on common sites like Drs. Foster & Smith) and put that in my sump. All told the sump only cost me roughly $150 total, for the overflow box, plumbing, pump, big 24-gallon Rubbermaid tub, etc.
Not that I'm trying to hammer the idea of a sump have your own circumstances to consider, especially if your ambient temp isn't low enough. I'm not sure what precisely is involved in setting up these Azoo chillers but I believe it's as easy as setting up a drop-in coil chiller, because I think all you have to do is get some vinyl tubing, clamps, and a powerhead, and there are probably directions in the box (or your LFS could give good advice.) I THINK the compressor-style chillers require you to have a temperature controller, which (I think) runs roughly $100? These Azoo models are adjustable and shouldn't need that. I can't swear for 'em, but I THINK they're your cheapest option if a sump isn't practical.
Good luck working something should especially ignore my advice if it involves anything you're just plain not ready to try yet...and good luck with your new bimac!