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You'd think I'd learn...


Colossal Squid
Staff member
Moderator (Staff)
Nov 20, 2002
I had the brilliant idea to add my huge Eheim to Biddle's tank tonight as I have not moved him yet and it's still functioning on my 47 gal that is 1/2 full with only crabs residing. So...I disconnect, move it to Biddle's tank in the living room, cut a hose so it fits more securely, and realize the hose is hard so I cannot smash it onto the syphen. Quick look at the clock, I have 20 minutes to race to the Petshop before it closes. Well...I let them know I was on my way, got every light all the way there and am just now 2 1/2 hours later finishing a water change plus rehooking up my huge Eheim. Biddle sat out in the open and just observed the whole fiasco. He seemed to be saying what the heck is she up to now? And tomorrow? I have to go buy a new heater cause as I was reducing the water level, I started to smell a something burning. I'm racing around the house saying what's burning, Jess...what's that smell....I forgot to unplug the heater so whatever residue that was on it, was burning off as it was almost out of the water. Next time I need to plan a little more carefully. Leave plenty of time for mad dashes to the pet shop and unplug the heater. Biddle seemed actually amused....:roll:
Glad it turned out ok... I have had many an equipment failure at 5:01 pm on Friday... When I had my cold-water system, I ended up buying an extra chiller because it always failed me on the weekend and I had to send the chiller back to the manufacturer for repairs. Now I have an extra heater and pump on hand, just in case...
A little practice at thinking on your feet is good, though, particularly in an "all's well that ends well" like this... I don't even think that's too much of a stretch for a silver lining...

I'm glad you provided some amusement for Biddle, too...
monty;107536 said:
A little practice at thinking on your feet is good, though, particularly in an "all's well that ends well" like this... I don't even think that's too much of a stretch for a silver lining...

I'm glad you provided some amusement for Biddle, too...

I think all of us who have had experience with tanks has had one or two thinking on your feet moments...

Once I was working at the Waikiki Aquarium (on some obscure Hawaiian holiday) and a pvc pipe burst, spraying water everywhere. The tanks weren't in danger of draining but I had to find the main shut-off (almost everyone else had the day off...) and get to the hardware store (soaking wet), buy a new valve and pipe and figure out how to repair the pipe by myself.
Cuttlegirl, at least it was PVC with standard sizing :>). I cut our water main in half (digging a pond) at 8:30 on a Friday before a Monday holiday and only a plumbing supply place had the proper joining connections! We mad dashed, mud covered, to the local Home Depot (after a call and then still arguing that they HAD to let us in) but the part they had didn't fit. Bicycle inner-tube got us a shower or two and coffee but it was panic city.

The chiller on the cold tank went out on a Friday as well. No local supplier for a quick replacement. Fortunately, it was spring and the garage was cool so we set up a temporary tank out there for the Adominalis. It worked for the week it took to get a replacement but I have decided to abandon cold tanks once my one remaining seahorse passes on.
My boss could have burnt down our office, i had dismantled a frog tank and left the extension lead with the heater still plugged in. He switched the extension back on to use it for plugging in a kettle without looking to see what else was plugged in!

snif sniff - whats that burning smell????

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