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What's your current octopus status?

April 18th will be 9 months for G2!!! He loves those large prawn they sell at Cosco! If I didn't have Elmer living in my 44 gal pentagon, I would have 2 but Jess is attached!

corw314 said:
April 18th will be 9 months for G2!!! He loves those large prawn they sell at Cosco! If I didn't have Elmer living in my 44 gal pentagon, I would have 2 but Jess is attached!


9 months, that's pretty good, congrats! Is that G2 in your avatar?
Wow, so may people in-process. We're going to have a small population explosion of ceph owners in the near future. :)

My tank is all setup and just finishing up the cycle. I'm keeping a close eye on all the tests and picking up a brittle star tonight after work. If I can ever find a camera to borrow, I'll post pictures.

So close I can almost taste it! Er...um...perhaps that's not the best choice of words. ;) Personally, I've had octopus sushi before, and I'd really prefer them alive and swimming.
Does this mean that Octopets is shipping now?

And Carol, congratulations on keeping G2 so long. I'm looking forward to new pics. How big is he now?

voted the fourth option.... wow almost 20% of people that post here have no intention of getting an octo...

edit: octopus sushi is awesome, but nothing compared to the real deal...
Presently I don't have time to look after an octopus at home. Has to be done properly or not at all in my book!!!!!!

Anyway we've got 8 at work right now so I can get a fix pretty easily!! (2x Pinnotopus cordiformis , 6x Octopus warringa )

Overwhelmed just finding a cat-sitter at the moment, plus our landlord will not allow aquariums over 10 gallons. Sigh. This one will still have to wait.
I have a tank (actually 2 - a 75 for the octo and a 55 for a sump), but it is not set up yet. There isn't an option for that, so I voted for option 4.

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