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well my tank is setup :)


Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
I know its nothing like some of the tanks here.
My 20gal and I am using a Penguin Bio-Wheel 350 for it
Got the fine gravel in the bottom almost like a large sand. Easy for it to burrow if it likes. Now I just gotta wait the 2months or so to get it cycled in. Guess that will give me ample time to decorate it all for it.

Hopefully I will have good luck this time again as I did with my last octo.
05Xrunner;84517 said:
I know its nothing like some of the tanks here.
My 20gal and I am using a Penguin Bio-Wheel 350 for it
Got the fine gravel in the bottom almost like a large sand. Easy for it to burrow if it likes. Now I just gotta wait the 2months or so to get it cycled in. Guess that will give me ample time to decorate it all for it.

Hopefully I will have good luck this time again as I did with my last octo.

What are you planning on keeping????? 20G is waaaaay too small for most cephs.

It may have survived but it's NOT ideal. The minimum tank size to keep a bimac in heathly conditions is 50G. 20G hasn't enough room for the bimac to grow to its normal size and I would assume that you weren't feeding as much as the octi required otherwise your water chemistry would have been very unstable.......please consider getting a larger tank.

OK I'll get off my soapbox now :grin:


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