update one bubbles

Apr 20, 2005
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my otopus has been realy timid since I covered my tank and cleaned my room will the sound of the vacum bother my octopus I feel realy bad becasue I had to vacum my rug twice onece from dust the other from the salt that fell wile I did a 20% water change the nexed day. havent tested my water this week but will. my octopus is almost always flashing colors. I nodiced the cuttest little thing yesterday I was watching my octopus and next to him ther was a little so tiny you had to look real close in the water jelly fish. all is well I nodiced a wite spot on one of the ends his tenticals.
Hi Clownfish,

Your octopus can't really hear - I doubt if your octo will pay any attention to the vacuum but might disturbed by you moving around cleaning.

It seems quite unlikely that you have a jellyfish - perhaps a small brittle star?

it floted around and it looked just like one. I dont now but it looks cool.
do you now what the white stuff my octopus shoots out is? he has only done it twice ( he inked one) but thats all
clownfish said:
it floted around and it looked just like one. I dont now but it looks cool.
do you now what the white stuff my octopus shoots out is? he has only done it twice ( he inked one) but thats all

Hi Clown, the white stuf could be you know...........waste......poohs........etc !!

Hi William,

A big wecome to TONMO.com. :welcome:

Good question - you can usually tell when an octo doesn't like something, but whether they like the vacuum or just don't hear or feel it is open to question.

My bimac played while vacuuming was going on, even when the vacuum was right in front of her tank, so at least I know she didn't hate it.

And, I remember reading a post some time ago from someone who was a member of a rock band. The band practiced in the same room where he kept his octopuses. He claims the octos danced to the beat :smile:, greatly distracting the band members.

Scouse said:
whats a vacuum?

Silly Brit, it's what a Hoover is-- a "vacuum cleaner." When I was in Scotland a few years ago, I had to get used to people "Hoovering the floor" rather than "vacuuming the floor" and the like.
dont do them unfortunatley since I have a small army of land hermits that clear up for me, they use old horseshoe crab shells for dustpans and feather dusters to sweep, when its cold they get the coal fire goin with the puffer fish but my peice de resitance (bit of del-boy language there!) is my pacific tree octopus tie-backs on the curtains...deary me not a dinner party goes by without a compliment!!
Scouse said:
dont do them unfortunatley since I have a small army of land hermits that clear up for me, they use old horseshoe crab shells for dustpans and feather dusters to sweep, when its cold they get the coal fire goin with the puffer fish but my peice de resitance (bit of del-boy language there!) is my pacific tree octopus tie-backs on the curtains...deary me not a dinner party goes by without a compliment!!

bloody hell, it was all a gag. brilliant, really, and had me going. :tomato:

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