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Jan 3, 2006
hey guys i have a 55 gallon that is in its second month of cycling. it currently has three yellow-tailed damsels. i was wondering if anyone has any experience with a 100 gallon red sea prizm skimmer. if it's not a good choice then what other types would you suggest.
I got mine here


I have a G1x on a 50 gallon.(Total Water Volume probably 80-90gallons).

I modified the skimmer to have the gate valve and recirculation mods. (Cheap to do and well worth it) There are extensive posts on this on reef central or the asmskimmer.com forums. I also added a drain to the cup to drain to a 3 gallon bucket. Skimming wet and having an autotop off with ro/di has made my tank pretty much carefree. This is probably not adviseable, but I rarely ever do water changes :oops: I empty the 3 gallon bucket once a week and probably evaporate 1/2 gallons of water day. When I empty the bucket, I slowly just pour the equivalent in salt into my sump. (Probably not the best practice, but its been working great so far!
Any brand of skimmer is fine...as long as it works ! I've used redsea skimmers before, and been happy with them overall. Personally, I think the best bet is to buy the brand that your local fish store carries...so you can get replacement parts and advice as needed, and quickly.
I bought my little SeaClone protein skimmer at a local petsmart for 110$, not bad since it comes with pump and assimilation is easy. You basically screw on a couple parts by hand and then plug it in. I have had no experience with protein skimmers before and this one has been working great so far without any maintenance except for cleaning the collection cup. Plus if your getting an octo it has a foam cartridge over the intake on the pump so its octo-safe :)

I bought my little SeaClone protein skimmer at a local petsmart for 110$, not bad since it comes with pump and assimilation is easy. You basically screw on a couple parts by hand and then plug it in. I have had no experience with protein skimmers before and this one has been working great so far without any maintenance except for cleaning the collection cup. Plus if your getting an octo it has a foam cartridge over the intake on the pump so its octo-safe :)
I have a Coralife Super Skimmer on my 75 and it works great. It pulls alot of garbage from my tank. I've previously owned a Seaclone and Red Sea Prism Skimmer, both with horrible results. I was always having to tune the air valve on the Seaclone and the Red Sea Prism skimmer was putting out tons of micro bubbles. I would go with a Coralife skimmer if you want a cheap skimmer that works great$. You can find them online for low seventies.
I have a Coralife Super Skimmer on my 75 and it works great. It pulls alot of garbage from my tank. I've previously owned a Seaclone and Red Sea Prism Skimmer, both with horrible results. I was always having to tune the air valve on the Seaclone and the Red Sea Prism skimmer was putting out tons of micro bubbles. I would go with a Coralife skimmer if you want a cheap skimmer that works great$. You can find them online for low seventies.
Here is my buddy's list. According to him you can't really go wrong with these:
ASM- More or less EuroReef Clone. Good thing!
Octopus - Another EuroReef Clone
EuroReef - Probably the most consistent (expensive)
Aqua C - Remora, Urchin, and EV skimmers
Precision Marine

Less than great:
Red Sea - Anything
Thanks for passsing on these recommendations. Could you please ask your buddy which of these skimmers is easiest to use. I've read so many reviews of protein skimmers - some people like complication, some don't.

I've also read some good reviews of Corallife, but it's relatively new on the market.


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