Potential Octo owner


Mar 20, 2007
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I am curious as to how i can become an octopus pet owner. I have been a sushi chef for a long time and I am fascinated with the lil creatures.(i will not eat this one but keep i will keep it as a pet) I do not own a tank and do not know any information about keeping an octopus and where i can get one. Any info and help would be greatly appreciated.
arigatou gozaimasu
chodemode;90173 said:
I am curious as to how i can become an octopus pet owner. I have been a sushi chef for a long time and I am fascinated with the lil creatures.(i will not eat this one but keep i will keep it as a pet) I do not own a tank and do not know any information about keeping an octopus and where i can get one. Any info and help would be greatly appreciated.
arigatou gozaimasu

:welcome: to TONMO!

The best place to start are the excellent articles in the "Ceph Care Articles" menu at the top of the page... take a look at those, first, and feel free to ask further questions once you've gotten a feel for things. Cephalopods are considered somewhat tough to keep, so it's probably wise to start a practice tank first to learn the basics before getting an octopus, or at least to plan to spend some time getting the tank ready and learning before you get an 8-legged friend...
By all means read from the wonderful articles posted on this site and I hope your a paitent person.
The name of the game is paitence and water quality.
Be ready to spend alot of time preparing and spend alot of money.
If your handy there are many ways to save on gear but your still looking at a large investment in both time and $$$$.
In the end you will have a unique and amazing setup....and thats before you even get an octo. lol
Good luck and get a really big tank!! lol
Welcome to Tonmo ! Yes, it is true that there is an investement in time and money, but like all good things, it is worth it in the end, when you have a happy octopus waving at you from it's tank at the end of a long day of cutting up fish...hehe.

thanks everyone

it will probably be a while till i get my octo or even get my tank... but i have been reading all this wonderful and intersting information you all have up on this site. First thing I will get i guess is the tank and have it cycled. I will probably get a 50 gal tank. I can see this is going to be a bit of money spending but I think it will be worth it.
ABout sushi.... when we order an octopus it comes already cooked, or boiled shall i say. They vary from sizes and you can get some pretty big ones(about 10 -15 lbs.) Then I have to slice of the arms and...well enough said. They are delicious. But i will not be eating my pet octo.
Ill keep doing some reading and getting ready for my tank.
this is probably off-topic, and some of you may want to cover your ears...
er, eyes..
but does octo taste similar to calamari? I personally think calamari is like chewing on rubber bands...:grin:

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