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ok everyone here are REEF BUGS!

joefish84 said:
Sept. 2005: newborn seahorses at Bill Al’s Aquarium Super Center, Tamarac Florida were fed Reef Bugs. They willingly ate the product in a bare, newly set up tank. We know the Bugs stimulate copepods which seahorses feed on, but there were none in this aquarium. The product was then tried on the parents who resided in an established reef tank. They ate both the product and the pods that came out to feed on the Reef Bugs.

These claims are pretty outrageous. Even the manufacturer's website says this mix is mostly detrital grains with some "microbes" added in. Think about it, Joe--how healthy would a seahorse be if it was eating pieces of limestone?

I have a geological background so I find this very amusing--instead of simulating the offshore trophic environment, this product is simulating the offshore sedimentary deposition! ODP eat your hearts out.

If your local club is into this, I have a bridge in New York and a Moller sky car they might be interested in, too.

Yeah, I understand what you guys are saying about the detrius, but check out this thread -it is from a club member who raised wolf eel hatchling on them. Very impressive.
http://www.columbiamarineaquariumclub.org/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=19&t=1488&hl=reef bugs&st=15

I am setting up my small hex for bandensis and simple corals-this seems to be a decent product to try, not to replace amphipods, but for hatchling octos and amphipod food. I am very interested in raising the microbiological diversity of my tanks substrate. I would love to have growing sponges and splitting colorful shrooms like in the thread. No, my big tank won't need these for the Vulgaris, but I still want to have pods and such-even if they aren't food for the ceph.
I have had growing sponges and splitting colorful shrooms without the addition. I am now adding reef nutrition products because I know what is in them to see if I see a difference. I guess the point is, you simply don't need any miracle additions to have a thriving reef tank.

I am not sure what the baby wolf eels were supposed to be eating out of the box of 'reef bugs'.

I would like to see a simple study with the stuff, but if history holds, Weiss won't do it himself.
Illithid said:
You can raise eel hatchlings on baker's yeast?

I bet if that person put baker's yeast into their tank just the same as the reef bugs, their little eels would have had the same nutrition. Likewise if that person had put a teaspoon of chili powder in every day I bet the outcome would be the same.

What I'm saying is there's no connection between the reefbugs and the fact that there was a healthy population of amphipods and copepods in the tank.

Righty said:
I would like to see a simple study with the stuff.
I agree with that 100%- I would like to see true scientific studies showing x animal raised on copapods and the same on reef bugs. I don't like having to rely on posts from people, I would rather have proven studies stating that corals grew with reef bugs compared to the control group, etc.

I would even be fine with them doing the studies and posting the results that can be dupicated.
DHyslop said:
What I'm saying is there's no connection between the reefbugs and the fact that there was a healthy population of amphipods and copepods in the tank.


That is what I was looking for. You seemed to be saying that hatchlings would eat yeast itself.

By the way I am supposed to be recieving some pods today to stock my small reef tank. I got them from www.floridapets.com -they are also on ebay.

I'll post if they are a good supplier.
The study would be simple, too. We've been talking about mysids on another thread. Set up two small mysid hatcheries. Feed one enriched Artemia nauplii and the other reefbugs.

That is what I was looking for. You seemed to be saying that hatchlings would eat yeast itself.

My sarcasm doesn't make it through cyberspace very well :) Although as Righty pointed out, and based on the description on the website, there probably is yeast in the mix.

What I think is the greatest about this is when stores sell bottled bacteria for speed-cycling everyone yells scam. This is essentially the same thing with a little silt mixed in being sold as food.

look i simply posted about this to let yall know how the stuff works and if it will ever help out the ceph community. if your going to sit there and bash me about it then i simply wont tell yall how it works. now my friend who has owned reef tanks his entire life, and owns and operates a saltwater reef tank store, swears by this stuff and you know what ive never seen him be wrong about stuff like this. now there is no need to bash me over this. im just trying to help everyone out. this is a prime example of why i dont post on reef central anymore, because everyone just talks down to you like this.

No one is bashing you, and I am sorry if you thought we/I was/were. We are talking about the product, not about you.
I am glad you brought this up, and as usual with products like this, I hope I am wrong but would bet money that I'm not.
I hope you continue to post and hope that the difference between having a bad opinion of a product and a bad opinion of the poster of a bad product is clear.
Thanks very much for posting about this, Joefish. Dan is right to bring up questions - maybe the issue is really whether this is suitable for raising cephs. If it isn't, it might be useful for other reef inhabitants.

It would be interesting to hear from your friend about how he uses this product, Joefish.


Please let us know if this stuff works for you. I think we would like to have first-hand knowledge and descriptions of how it affects your system. I would believe what you say over what the manufacturer is putting on his website.

cuttlegirl said:

Please let us know if this stuff works for you. I think we would like to have first-hand knowledge and descriptions of how it affects your system. I would believe what you say over what the manufacturer is putting on his website.


Testimonials work best if you know the writer. Please tell us how it works for your tanks. I am very interested. I apologize if you thought I was bashing you or anyone else. As Dan said, it is hard to add in or take out emotions in these threads.

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