Octopus Toys


Blue Ring
Aug 19, 2006
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I am wondering if you can post any pictures of toys that you have been able to keep youir octopus entertained with. I need some ideas for mine.

lego's are good.. so are jars that can float (air in them) they like to bring it to the bottom and watch it float up....
put some live food in a jar.. PVC is fun for them.. make a maze and put their favorite foods at the end.... add stuff for them to reaquascape their den... etc.
I went out and got parts for those hampster trails. Put it in the tank with Clyde and after sitting there with the camera for an hour, couldn't get Clyde to budge. He's probably having the hermit crab for lunch right now as I am making this post.

lol thanks for the updates on Clyde, Goodwin. I caught your Clyde video on MD and have been totally fascinated and obsessed with octopi since, setting up a tank for one, reading reading reading, sourcing healthy ones...

A whole new dimension for reefkeeping/SW for me. Thanks so much!

Spracklcat;81614 said:
lol thanks for the updates on Clyde, Goodwin. I caught your Clyde video on MD and have been totally fascinated and obsessed with octopi since, setting up a tank for one, reading reading reading, sourcing healthy ones...

A whole new dimension for reefkeeping/SW for me. Thanks so much!


This site is what got me hooked. Lots of resorces and a lot of people who have a lot of information to share. Absolutely the most amazing animal I have ever kept.
Joefish has put quite a few different toys in his tank - i hope he'll post some pics.

Not all octos like all toys - you have to experiment. My bimac liked to play with the feeding stick and the magnet and my hand, but had no use for legos, shells. baby toys or a bioball.

Clyde is getting a little braver. He is a short video of his "attack" at the crabs in the tube. He made several unsuccesful attempts to get to them before they finally climbed out. Maybe tomorrow he will figure out how to get them.

Click on the image to view the video.


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