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Octopus Age


Jan 2, 2024
Reaction score
After doing lots of research and looking around on here I've finally decided upon getting a Briareus Octopus (as unfortunately I can't find any two spot octopus in my area). I'll be getting him tomorrow or the day after and was just wondering is there any way at all to tell around how old they are? I know there isn't a for sure way without causing harm, but just wondering if there was some way to get an idea.
Hi @Redrose2024 -- aging an octo can be tricky, from what I've gathered. A pic can help a lot; you can somewhat tell a juvenile by the look of the arms; they're a bit more "perky" and perhaps not quite as agile. @Tomh or @sedna, any thoughts along these lines?

A briareus is a good octo for a home tank, sounds like you've seen some of the Journals. Excited for you! Looking forward to your journey.
Hi @Redrose2024 -- aging an octo can be tricky, from what I've gathered. A pic can help a lot; you can somewhat tell a juvenile by the look of the arms; they're a bit more "perky" and perhaps not quite as agile. @Tomh or @sedna, any thoughts along these lines?

A briareus is a good octo for a home tank, sounds like you've seen some of the Journals. Excited for you! Looking forward to your journey.
Hi @Redrose2024 -- aging an octo can be tricky, from what I've gathered. A pic can help a lot; you can somewhat tell a juvenile by the look of the arms; they're a bit more "perky" and perhaps not quite as agile. @Tomh or @sedna, any thoughts along these lines?

A briareus is a good octo for a home tank, sounds like you've seen some of the Journals. Excited for you! Looking forward to your journey.
Hello @tonmo , sorry for taking a bit to respond. Due to the weather ended up not being able to get him (or her) until yesterday unfortunately. I haven't gotten any really good pictures of him yet, but as soon as I do I will definitely post them! If it helps his mantel is no more than one to two inches. Not sure how long total he is as I haven't gotten a good look at him all stretched out (I've been trying to be patient and let him settle in).

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