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Octopus rubescens

Aug 9, 2006
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When I dive in the Puget Sound I see lots of little Octopus rubescens in kelp, might set up a tank for one. I will obviously have a chiller and an insulated tank for this cold water species.

What size tank would this species need? Are these nocturnal? What about their lifespans?
Have a look at this thread:
New favorite species of Octopus

and you might want to search the forums under rubescens.

O. rubescens is not too large as an adult, body to about 4" with 12" arms - a little smaller than the bimac. It would be happy in a 50 gallon or larger tank.

I have some pics, will attach.

The picture on the bottom looks more like a GPO if you noticed the texture of the skin on the mantle going in a line like pattern compared to the circle like pattern of the octopus on the top and other pictures of this specimen.

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