• Looking to buy a cephalopod? Check out Tomh's Cephs Forum, and this post in particular shares important info about our policies as it relates to responsible ceph-keeping.

Octopus Availability

You might email Tom and ask to be put on a waiting list. He used to maintain one for 30 days (I think he has stopped that practice) but he might still queue a direct email (he did for me with the KaySoh and I don't THINK I am special :mrgreen:).
CaptFish;151174 said:
He told me to watch his "in stock list" very closely on sat. so I did, but 3 came and went instantly! I was hoping to meet him and get one tomorrow.


He told me to watch his website, not the instock list :mad:
when I think about all the time I wasted, grumble, grumble :silenced:

Capt, did you inquire about a waiting list? Well thanks, at least I know where to look now.
Heard back from Tom this morning. He gave me his phone # and said to call so I called him, he said he had 1 avaliable. I told him I really wanted 2. Then he said the one will be going to a guy in Miami. (I am hoping this guy is Captfish:wink:) Anyway he said he gets them on Saturdays from shrimpers. He checks his emails and alerts the people who have requested them. I will just have to wait until he gets more. :sad: This time he only got 3. I am busy this week anyway, I have 5 bubble tip anemones to find a place for to make room for 10 maxi mini carpet anrmones comming tomorrow. I have a LFS that I have built a relationship with, and he has shown interest in my rose anemones so I am hoping he'll take them for credit. It's so much easier than posting them for sale then waiting and hoping they show up. It seems all I do is rearrange my livestock, fun fun fun. :biggrin2:
I hope I am the guy in Miami, but I have received no communication from him.
CaptFish;151196 said:
I hope I am the guy in Miami, but I have received no communication from him.

When he told me he had 1 avaliable, I told him I wanted 2 and would rather get them together so I don't have to pay the extera shipping. Then he said "then it's going to a guy in Miami". Well I know your in Miami, if I knew your name, I could have asked. Well he said to email him here
[email protected] with pigmy or merc. octopus as subject.
When he gets them, he emails those who have requested them. That's too bad I was hoping you were the guy. :sad: We just have to keep hoping he get a few next Saturday.
I wasn't really asking, but Hi Dave, I am Linda.
Why don't you call him? You'd think you'd be at the top of the list seeing as you already paid. I know how you feel, I am into instant gradifiction, HATE waiting too but at least you have one, I got nothin in my tank but 1 hermit crab lol. I planned to get clean up crew when I order from Tom.
Hey Linda, out of curiosity from an old Chicago guy, which store are you working through? Long ago I knew most of the people in the stores in and around Chicago and the suburbs, but that was years ago...

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