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Octo Tank - Going Larger


Staff member
Sep 4, 2006
Reaction score
or ... My breakfast room is a disaster once again.

My son decided to give up his 60 (ish) gallon tank so we are replacing Octane's original 35 (that we thought was a 45 at purchase). The original tank was acrylic and needed only minimal additional support but the 60 is glass and requires some adjustments for support and size. We will use the 35 as a sump (as we did for the tube tank).

The counter top is too narrow (just) so we added a 2 x 4 behind it (will need to think about new trim to hide the extension that is not supporting the tank) and a set of supporting shelves underneath. Hopefully we will have water in the tank next weekend.


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D, it does my heart good to see this. Every time I go and make some major (or even minor) change my living room looks just like this too. And it is the very first thing you see as one enters my house! I'm still waiting for my hubby to finish putting the doors and trim on the 135 gal stand he built. I've been waiting quite awhile too....this tank is totally, completely, fully, very well cycled! :mad:
If I waited on Neal for sanding or trim work there would not be a baseboard in the house :razz:. He is the absolute most wonderful guy at being willing to tackle new projects (that interest him :hmm:) and the opposite when it comes to finishing the details or maintenance. After 38 years I have learned to use some of the saws, sanders etc and somehow things get mostly done ... eventually :grin:

BTW, most people enter my house through the garage and the breakfast room IS the first place they see :shock:. We are eating at a corner of the dining room table (THAT is also full of "stuff" from this project (like the fiddler crab tanks) and some breakables.
OMG! :shock: Does Neal know he has a long lost brother named Joe?

I too have learned to use all of the tools!:sagrin: Fun aren't they? I act like I don't know what I'm doing (and therefore, injury appears imminent) when I really want him to do take care of something. Truth be known, I cloud probably host my own chic's with cool tools show.

I'm going to have to find my camera so I can share my disaster.:roflmao:
Almost finished

It's been up and running for a month but we still have not made the acrylic top. I ordered the material this week so I should be looking for an occupant in early October (Bel's tank is also empty so I have an in the mean time tank if needed :smile:)


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dwhatley;142047 said:
The sump was our hummelincki tank. When my son decided to down size, we up sized but the tank will remain intended for hummelincki.

looking forward to seeing your tank all set up and completed!
Octoproof Top

Since we were expecting a new arrival today (Tues) we more or less finished the top.


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I only posted the finished tank picture today because I was trying to get Linda to start a construction thread and saw that I had been remiss :oops:

I agree with CaptFish, start a tank thread and then reference it in El Diablo's journal. If you need help with the linking, let me know and I will either coach or add it as you wish.

Maya and then Puddle have been the only octos to live in this one and it is now hoping for a few babies in breeder nets as the next residence.

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