Hello I am a new octo owner of a bimaculoide. I have owned him/her for over three weeks now. The first two or three days it ate 10 blue leg hermit crabs and some frozen clams. Then a day later it ate a snail. After that I had orderd some fiddler crabs and feed him/her 1 a day for 4 or 5 days, skipped a day then feed him another. Now he/she won't even go for them. There are plenty of things in the tank for him/her to eat snails,blue legs, and two fiddler crabs that I have thrown in the last week that he/she hasn't touched. Between all of the live foods I have offered. I also have offered frozen clams on a stick(he/she won't even touch the clams now). Have offered fresh scallops and fresh shrimp(won't even touch it). I will keep offering fresh frozen foods on a stick. It took it a few times just doesn't seem to like whats on the stick. He/she's head is almost the size of a golf ball and when swimming its maybe six inches long not very big. Perhaps he/she ate to much the first two weeks and is now full. He/she stays in its den most of the day comes out around six and is very active for around five to six hours a day. Seems to be in predatory mode flashing colors, streching its tenticals around from rock to rock. He/she will also be stuck to the front of the glass. But hasn't ate. Any advice. Please help with any ideas or knowledge of this kind of behavior. Thank you.