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Octo compatibility?


Apr 23, 2007
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I know when you keep an octo it is a species tank but i was wondering if anything can be kept with it that it wont eat or that wont hurt it. I remeber reading something about sea urchins and starfish that could be kept with it but i wanted to verify this and see what types of species are compatible. I am planning on getting a bimac.
boomerisnuts;94957 said:
I know when you keep an octo it is a species tank but i was wondering if anything can be kept with it that it wont eat or that wont hurt it. I remeber reading something about sea urchins and starfish that could be kept with it but i wanted to verify this and see what types of species are compatible. I am planning on getting a bimac.

If you do a forum search on "tank mates" there are 53 threads of discussion about this... I think someone's working on collecting that into a ceph care article, but I don't think that's ready yet (and I've forgotten who it is :oops:)

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