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[Notice]: Changing Hosting Providers


Staff member
Site Owner
May 30, 2000

TONMO.com will soon be changing hosting providers. This will mean better, more reliable site performance... and a much happier Webmaster. :D

Because of this change, however, the Message Board will be going into a temporary "maintenance mode" where new posts and new user registrations will be restricted. I hope and intend to keep this period as brief as possible -- we're probably looking at a matter of a couple of days (possibly more) -- and then we'll open up the board again for new registrations and posts. Rest assured that all posts and user registrations will be carried over to the new hosting location. In fact, you should see no differences in the site whatsoever, except that it might run a bit faster and will tend to be "down" less.

This change could be happening relatively soon (i.e., within the next couple of days or sooner). I appreciate your ongoing support and patience during this transition.

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