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[Featured]: TONMOCON VIII - Postponed :-/


Staff member
May 30, 2000
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Regretfully, but not surprisingly, we need to postpone our beloved cephalopod conference, due to uncertainty with the expected state of the virus for this autumn. We were poised for a great event, with strong registration trends up until the virus hit. We can't rightfully expect travel plans to follow through, etc., and so we will need to revisit this in 2021 or '22. It is our intention to return to MBL in Woods Hole for this event; they have been fantastic, as always. Do support their efforts if you can; Bret Grasse and so many others at that institution are making serious progress towards our collective understanding of these amazing creatures.

If you already registered for the event, stay tuned as we are working on logistics for unwinding registrations / providing refunds, etc. I'll post an update in this thread so click the "Watch" button in the upper right to be notified of replies here.

So, for the time being, we remain exclusively a virtual community. On May 30th, we celebrate our 20th Anniversary! So amazing -- I'll have some more to write about that as the date approaches. In the meantime, ceph-on -- I'll see you in the forums!

:boat: :sink:
From TONMOCON I, back in 2005 in Monterey Bay, CA:

That's a bummer to hear, but it's always good to keep peoples health as a top priority! Looking forward to meeting you all next year then!

I'm excited for the 20th anniversary of TONMO! Maybe we can plan something to do on the website to celebrate :)
If you already registered for the event, stay tuned as we are working on logistics for unwinding registrations / providing refunds, etc. I'll post an update in this thread so click the "Watch" button in the upper right to be notified of replies here.
Refunds should be issued within a week. Set it aside for our return!

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