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New tank setup


Blue Ring
Dec 13, 2002
I am new to cephalopod raising, and I am seeking advice for a long-term setup for a science project for an Octopus Vulgaris. After reading several detailed articles on the setups I have arrived at the following setup:

40 gallon breeder tank
H.O.T. Magnum canister filter with Bio-Whell Pro 60 spray bar
Cheap Counter Current Protein Skimmer (21.99)
Azoo Air Pump (up to 55 gallons)
Tap Water Filter (29.99)
Aragamax Sand (24.99)

I wish to know whether such a tank setup is feasible and any other advice would be appreciated. I thank anybody who will respond.
Hi there, welcome to TONMO.com :)

I would think that a 40gal would be too small to keep a vulgaris in once it has reached a bigger size. I would think you should look at 100+ to keep it happier and to cope with the waste from such a beast.

The skimmer will do when the vulgaris is small but may not keep up with the waste once it is big.

I belive that skimmer is ran inside the tank. i would think the octo will soon pull it to bits. You may be better looking for an external. The cheapest 1/2 decent ones start at about $60 or so... You could save some cash on the sand as you wont need that much.

You need to make sure that the tank is escape proof for a vulgaris. they are very strong!

There are other bits and pieces you should look at to buy too. Stuff liek hydrometers and test kits for the water quality. they all come in usefull as does a good quality carbon for extra chemical filtration.

hope that helps for a start :)

RE: RE: New Tank

Thank you for responding
I seem to have undersestimated the time and money required to raise an octous. As for the tank size, 40 gallons would be my maximum, so what species of octopi would be compatible? bimaculatus?
In addition, I wised to know how long the cycling time would be for such a tank without live rock. I have read that a 3 month cycling time is required. Is this true? Also, is live rock essential, or can aragonite sand work instead?
Also, if a 40 gallon tank were used, would the previous materials I listed still be of use? For example, would the in-tank protein skimmer still work? Or the 250gph canister filter and Bio-Wheel?
Any advice and responses would be appreciated.

there are many species that could be kept in a 40gal tank. The problem is getting the species you want and being sure that it has been correctly ID'd. Getting what you really want is a real hit and miss as far as octopuses are concerned. But Octopus bimaculoides will do fine in a 40.

If you dont use live rock then you need some other way of cycling the tank. There are fish cycles and fishless cycles. Perhaps the easiest and cheapest way is to set up the tank. Wait a few days and then acclimatise 10 or so freshwater mollies to the tank (takes about 3 or 4 hrs with a drip feed airline) And use them to cycle the tank. Three months is an approximate figure but by waiting that long it is far more likely that the tank is cycled. Octopuses can be thought of as being more sensitive to poisonous chemicals than fish, so take your time over cycling.

The filter will be fine but the biggest problem with the internal skimmer is that the octopus will eiher climb inside or move it about all the time. A big octo would just pull it off the tank wall. The skimmer is also an excellent way of ensuring you have high oxygen levels in the tank. Dont skimp on the skimmer, it is a life saver and has bailed me out of situations countless times.


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