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new octopus


Apr 26, 2005
i would like to know what species my octo is he or she was found in the fl. keys if any one knows please let me know hopefully the pics i took came out and also i feed him med. sized blue crabs he or she is very active and will eat alot including a 50$ calm that i forgot to move to my other tank :mad: he or she with its tentacals out is the size of the bottom 5gal. bucket. Is there a better food that i could feed him or are the blue crabs good
1st up let me say I have no idea as to the spp of your octo (I'm in NZ!!!!) but octo's LOVE crabs and typically will eat what you give them! As you have discovered they are partial to shellfish too, but crabs are a great diet for them.


What a lucky octopus to be on a crab diet! Should be a happy octo, too! And you're not the first person to have an expensive reef inhabitant become octo food!

Try posting some pics of your octo and we'll try to help with identification.

someone told me that when a octopus strobes colors it is ill can you tell me if this is true because mine just started to do this today and now iam worried
thank you for your help poor lil guy must think iam crazy checking on him every 5min as for more clueless questions the crabs i feed him are about the same size as him he has no trouble with them or anything but he does make a mess of them any ideas on a easy way to clean them up
Octos are messy eaters and you just have to find the parts and remove them. Sometimes they'll put the remnants outside their den or at the front of the tank.

I'd like to add your octo to our Tonmo list of octos being kept - what should I put for a name? Just "octopus"?

Nancy said:
Octos are messy eaters and you just have to find the parts and remove them. Sometimes they'll put the remnants outside their den or at the front of the tank.

I'd like to add your octo to our Tonmo list of octos being kept - what should I put for a name? Just "octopus"?


I vote for "Brinkley" (from You've Got Mail) :wink2: :smile:

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