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need help im new

Jun 3, 2007
hi everyone...... well here i go i have a 55 gallon tank lying around and i was wondering what kinds of stuff would i need to start a octo. tank?
i live in hawaii and always went diving for these guys and always just wanted to for a pet. so ya plese tell me what kinds of stuff that i would need to have and rewarding setup for a octo.
TapYouOut96744;95785 said:
hi everyone...... well here i go i have a 55 gallon tank lying around and i was wondering what kinds of stuff would i need to start a octo. tank?
i live in hawaii and always went diving for these guys and always just wanted to for a pet. so ya plese tell me what kinds of stuff that i would need to have and rewarding setup for a octo.

:welcome: to TONMO!

The best place to start is the "Ceph Care Articles" at the upper left of the navigation bar at the top of the page... In Hawaii, you're more likely to find O. cyanea (often called a "day octopus" in hawaii) than the ones many folks here keep on the mainland, but I think they generally have the same requirements (although they probably want a more tropical temperature.) There are some people who have kept cyanea around, although I don't think that anyone has one now, except some researchers perhaps. There are several lists in those articles that can give you a good overview of the needs and requirements for keeping an octo in general, and cyanea has often been kept for research, so there is a lot of knowledge about them, so it seems like they're a better bet than trying to import one from the mainland. I'm not sure if they get significantly bigger than bimacs, though, so I'm not positive whether a 55gal is appropriate, but I have some recollection that we've had people keep them in 55gals successfully...
All the information you need can be found on our thread Cephlapod Care. There is an Equipment list as well. As to your tank, as long as you are positive there was never copper used with the tank, as copper is deadly to cephlapods, and also you will need to be pretty sure you are getting a species that will not outgrow your tank.

And :welcome:

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