My New Octo and ? On ID


O. vulgaris
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Hi all,

I haven't had an Octo in quite some time after my Vulgaris died after 4 months :sad:

I finally decided to get another when someone I know had the fortune of getting one in stock. I thought it was Vulgaris but I have seen this one change colors and texture in a way I never noticed with my other. I don't take the best pictures but here are two. Most of the time this Octo has a white stripe down the middle of his head. Actually, the color and texture in the pictures is quite rare for this Octo but the only good pictures (clear) that I could take.



I have had this one for three weeks.

It sort of looks like mine (Abdopus Aculeatus) and i have seen mine with the white stripe, though she doesn't do it too often. Do you know were it originated from?
Looks like a juvenile A. Aculeatus. They have long arms compared to their body size and little webbing. Papillae are typically seen and make the octopus appear to have a rough texture. Have you noticed that on yours at all? He looks very smooth in the pictures. I feel sorry for that poor cardinal :).
shipposhack;105836 said:
Looks like a juvenile A. Aculeatus. They have long arms compared to their body size and little webbing. Papillae are typically seen and make the octopus appear to have a rough texture. Have you noticed that on yours at all? He looks very smooth in the pictures. I feel sorry for that poor cardinal :).

LOL. There was 3 cardinals....Now two hmmm.

Here are some better pictures. the Octo is out in the morning and in the afternoon with the lights on. What an appetite! The Octo is eating a fiddler while I am taking the pictures.





I was just adding your octopus to the List of Our Octopuses (at the top of Journals and Photos) - does it have a name yet? And where did you get it - at a local fish store?

Hi Nancy,

I haven't officially named him/her yet but I have referred to him/her as "glove" because he/she catches fiddlers out of the water column when I drop them in like a baseball player catching a flyball. Pretty funny.

I got her from an LFS that doesn't usually carry Cephs but gets them on occasion (NYAQUATIC). They specialize in Fish not Cephs.
shipposhack;105853 said:
I think we would all like to go somewhere that specializes in cephs. One of my first questions would be, "How do you stay in business?" :-D

I understand that but I have good reasons for posting that but didn't want to go into details or create a bad perception of a great company. I didn't want people trying to get Octo's from them that's all. Not unless you can see them in person.
I didn't mean anything negative. There just aren't enough people that are willing to sacrifice what they have to in order to keep cephs. I don't think a specialty store could make much money unless the owner had something else on the side that was bringing in cash.
Keep us updated on how he does with your Hydor "power head". I love those things but was going to remove the two in the 140 when we convert it, however, if you don't lose any arm tips, I may be tempted to leave it in as they do a wonderful job moving the water.
Sure. I haven't had any problems and it has been almost a month. I have four K1s and two K2s in the tank. They are not extremely powerful though so I don't anticipate any problems.

I will keep you posted

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