My first O. Hummelincki

Ya sorry, I hit post before I attached the video. It's on there now. I'm uploading a new video as we speak. Bubbles is currently exploring the tank so I'll be posting videos all night probably. Thanks for the compliment. I still have alot of rock in the sump that I'm going to move into the main tank as soon as everything clears out completely and I get the plumbing completely situated. I'm also going to shift the sand a little so that there is room for Bubbles to crawl beneath the large rock dividing the two sections of sand in the center of the tank.
I just finished smoothing out the sand. My wife is going to help me with the plumbing here in a few mins. The second video still has about thirty mins on it before it's done uploading. Bubbles isn't normally camera shy, she's just a bit stressed from the move and all. She's been cryptic the whole time she's out. She even darkened up when I came close. It'll take her a bit to calm back down, but she's doing fine. She just crawled under the rock where in the center where I pulled the sand back. All I can see are these huge thick arms umbrella'ing out from under it. Really cool looking. I wish I could've caught that on video.
Well I just added another MaxiJet powerhead to the left side of the tank to increase water movement at the surface and due to the turbulance I think the current plumbing arrangment will do just fine. There is also a drastic increase in current which slightly simulates the rough jettie waters. I'll have to see how Bubbles takes to this. She was just sitting on the bottom right side of the tank smack in front of the MaxiJet with the propellar upgrade so I don't think she'll mind it too much. There is some what of an increase in noise, and those who've used MaxiJets before know what I'm talking about. It's that grinding droll that they do from time to time. It's on and off, and I'm sure once the water clears up completely it'll stop.
iAlex;169368 said:
How did you go about transfering (?) Bubbles from one tank to another?

I used a medium sized cylindrical pitcher that we used to use for drinks (two liters I think). I just put it infront of her after the water was drained pretty low, and then simply guided her in with my hand.
I got up this morning to find the tank almost crystal clear, so this afternoon when I get home from work I'll try to work on the rocks some more. There are still quit a bit of open arears that I would like to plug up. I want it to be completely covered with all plumbing and power heads hiddend.

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