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My ceph system


Colossal Squid
Staff member
Moderator (Staff)
Jan 22, 2004
Reaction score
Following cuttlegirl's lead after getting lots of questions bout my system, I made a diagram of it. :grin:
I don't think I can post it directly in the forum, so here is a link to the diagram:
Welcome to Daisy Hill Cuttle Farm!

I will try to get some pics in the next week or so.
Once you get used to the idea of what the plumbing does, what it looks like in real life, and used to looking at its representation in 2 dimensions I think it gets easier.

I am glad you can follow it though!
Ohhhh for the auto topoff capability!

I just got a slick little $27 inline TDS meter that monitors both the input and output sides of my RO at the touch of a button and a slide switch. It tells me when to change the whole house filter (we have lots of particulates - mostly red mud) as well as monitoring my RO unit. It took 10 min to install and that was taking my time :razz:

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