[Octopus]: Maurice my octopus species??


O. vulgaris
Dec 5, 2019
Can anyone identify what kind of octopus my friend Maurice is? It was sold as octopus species and may come from Indonesia/Bali.
I know that my photos are not the best.


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Congrats on your new octo! Tell us about your tank! Do consider starting a journal -- would love to learn more. If you can get a better pic, as D says, maybe we can get an ID.
Well I bought this octopus from a big local pet-shop chain and they got it from DE Jong Marinelife in Holland.
Can you identify it better now. Otherwise I need to wait until I get my octo in a good position.
WellI got my octo a few days before Christmas. Since I first wanted to be sure that it will survive I put him into a transparent plastic 70 Liter box with Fiji sand live rocks and a skimmer. Soon I will put him into a large 240 Liter Tank that I used to have forhatching trout eggs.
Starting a journal? - What do you want me to do?
Starting a journal? - What do you want me to do?
You can start a new thread for Maurice in this forum:
Cephalopod Journals
And give us periodic updates on how your octo is doing. Active? Eating? How are your tank parameters? Those are the kinds of things you can post in your thread from time to time. We like to know and learn about your experiences, it's one of the things that makes TONMO great - sharing of information about these amazing creatures!

The photo looks like it might be a "stock" photo (generic), so I'm not sure we can ID based on that. If you can take a closer, more clear picture of your octo, that might help.

Although I'm not an expert, I'm concerned about the 240 liter tank used for trout eggs. Octopuses thrive in carefully cycled saltwater tanks... It might be tricky getting him or her to acclimate. Looking forward to your reports, so we can all learn from your experience, and it will give our experts a chance to provide feedback and give advice.
Just now my intension was doing a few photos but Maurice is sleeping in a whole of a live rock.
I recently was on the phone with the seawater section of the biggest pet store in the world which is Zoo Zajac in Duisburg, Germany. Tierbedarf online kaufen im Zoogeschäft | Zoo Zajac Duisburg
They said that many of their customers use successfully an old freshwater aquarium as a species tank to keep an octopus. Everything else would be quite expensive.
They are using just regular osmose water mixed with seasalt to keep their octopuses.
The use of a regular fishtank is also 'suggested' in the german 'Koralle-magazine' from 2004 No. 28 August/September 5(4)
Here a photo from page 37:


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As long as you did not use medication with copper and have no copper plumbing, converting a freshwater tank to a saltwater tank should be fine.

I am pretty sure the stock photo is Abdopus aculeatus, a commonly exported animal generally shipped from the Philippines. They tend to survive shipping well but are often full grown when captured.

With your permission, I can move this thread to our journals section and you can continue this this to journal your adventure :wink: .
Maurice doesnt seem to be fully grown up. His body is maybe one inch and his tentacles 3 - 4 inches.
What lifespan do Abdopus aculeatus generally have?
Is Maurice day active? There are several animals (and likely some not yet fully named) in the Abdopus genus. At least one seems to be a small nocturnal (adult at about the size of Maurice). Aculeatus, however, grows to be much larger (at least twice this size in both mantle and arm lengths). Life span of most medium sized warm water octopuses (aculeatus would fit this category) is between 12 and 18 months. Smaller animals tend to be between 8 and 10 months and coldwater animals often live as much as twice as long as their same sized counter parts. Be aware that life span, like with humans, can vary widely between individuals.
Maurice spends a lot time "sleeping" in his cave or among/underneath the live rocks. Ocassionally I see him outside or when feeding. Although I cannot guarantee it I tend to say that he seems to be more active at night. He tends to take the offered food rather when he is beeing lured if you put it back and forth.
:fingerscrossed: If Maurice is still quite young, he may get more social (or at least stay hidden less) as he approaches sexual maturity. Dwarfs rarely become social but I did have a Caribbean dwarf that came out to interact every night at supper time.
No, most of us use RO/DI water to make our own saltwater and weekly water changes to keep the nitrates under control (they do tend to be consistently high with the extra waste of an octo but, unlike corals, there does not seem to be a direct negative impact)

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