[Octopus]: Licik/Misty - A. Aculeatus? - Jocco's Pus

Great IDEA and funny in so many aspects given your profession :sly:

LOL - it is especially funny because I say, when asked about switching professions, "Well, I could never read to children". There was an adult star who tried to read to children in a school and there was a nasty reaction.

Learned today the ceph is definitely in Octo Rock (2 out of 2 cephs love it). Doesn't like raw tuna, does like raw salmon.

Roc has picked the name Licik, an indonesian word for Sly (says google translate).
Only sort of likes raw salmon, found a piece of what we offered outside of the den.

If there is a mysterious eye staring back at you from a crevice in the LR... you miiiiight have an octopus.

If there is often a pair of eyes peeking around a corner of LR... you miiiiight have an octopus.
I thought Shelby ate his salmon but discovered it later only sampled. Additional attempts were rejected. I am not sure if this is because it is fish (not really a normal meal and tank observations suggest they only eat the soft underbelly) or because it was farm raised.
I can only guess as well, that fish aren't their cup of tea.
I'm taking advantage of all the seafood in my house for xmas dinner. We do that very Italian 7 Fish thing.

Licik pushed away a teeny piece of squid, seemed offended. Changed colors and everything.
Took a piece of shrimp readily and munched happily.

I should have saved a teeny piece of lobster. Dang.
If your tank is showing signs of being redecorated.... you miiiiight have an octopus.

Got home from work to find 2 shells placed in the sand, and the space ship was dragged further into Octo Rock!

We also found what could be remnants of Sir Stewart. I haven't heard the clack or see sand move due to digging and shoveling.

This morning, the pistol shrimp was dislodgedfrom its den and awkwardly out on a rock. Which is the tell tale sign of the ceph out and about.
We found Licik in what was Jerk Face'some favorite rock home. Then "she" moved up under the shells the fish were in. I found that peculiar. Just a few more days and I can move the fish.

I wish we were home for all of this action!
Dragging, hunting, decorating etc.

Photos are of the events and evidence I did see today. There are drags in the sand of the space ship being moved. And pistol shrimp body parts in the right bottom corner. Some of the shells have been moved or placed.

Has anyone come up with an inexpensive way to video, record, watch the tank while away? Possibly something with motion sensors or can be timed?


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Twas the night of Christmas, when all through the house
not a creature was stirring, not even the octopus.

Ok, that's a lie. Fish and shrimp are fine. We haven't seen the pistol shrimp, we think the shell we found is a shedding. It wasn't crushed, it looks like a full casing.

Licik was out this morning, she was out and about on top of Octo Rock. We gave her the shrimp stick, as she was pulling, the food came loose quicker than she expected and took the whole stick/food with her. Totally surprised her and she fled, without the shrimp. I'm really hoping she didn't stab herself.

We have been home for over an hour and still no sign of her. It does look like while we were out, she arraigned more shells. All of the openings face Octo Rock, normally the shells are scattered, because the hermits explore them.

Found her, seems ok. Took the shrimp I offered. In the den for the night.
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We are alive and well. Hunting like a champ. Moved the clown fish, still trying to remove the chromis.
She liked to sit in a hole under the clown fish shells. Sat there for an hour at a time, hiding out.
Just put in new hermits and green crabs today. She reluctantly takes shrimp from us and holds onto the feeder stick.

Saw amazing color changes a few days ago. Licik was out for an hour or two, and I didn't take any photos in fear she would stop. She put on a color show! Dark, almost black, stripes, spots, bands, lines down the mantle and reverse. Sandy coloration. And this new... descending color ring from the tip of her mantle that blinks down her body.
Can't believe we were too stunned to record it all.
Saw amazing color changes a few days ago. Licik was out for an hour or two, and I didn't take any photos in fear she would stop. She put on a color show! Dark, almost black, stripes, spots, bands, lines down the mantle and reverse. Sandy coloration. And this new... descending color ring from the tip of her mantle that blinks down her body.
Can't believe we were too stunned to record it all.
so cool! :rainbow:
Yes, the fading blinking color was just like that rainbow smiley!

If taking photographs of your tank is like playing Mario in a ghost board... you miiiiight have an octopus.

I see action out of my periphery, slowly raise the cam, and she stops.


When she comes out around 7:30pm, she poops, and the shrimp go crazy. I think Licik is training the shrimp to come closer to her, lol.
Anyone ever have their ceph mosey up to the front of the tank and throw food "at you"?!?

I guess Licik didn't want salmon tonight... rude.

Fed her about an hour ago, took her food into hiding. I finish making and eating my dinner, peacefully watching the tank. She slinks up on a conch shell (she likes to hide behind it, but peer over at us) "stands up" and then expels/throws the tasted food!
I thought she might like the salmon after all because she readily took the piece we offered last night. I couldn't have been more wrong. The attitude! hahaha

She powered through the 10 hermits and 4 green crab we bought her on Sunday. Is it me, or is that kind of voracious?

We are ordering fiddlers.

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