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  • Looking to buy a cephalopod? Check out Tomh's Cephs Forum, and this post in particular shares important info about our policies as it relates to responsible ceph-keeping.


Moo is too small to eat it, he's only the size of a pea, and I think it's is already dead since poor little Moo did that thing were he releases that poison stuff and kills everything but him.
Moo was at the LFS, marked as a "dwarf cowfish". I didn't want to get him at first because I read that they get big but the LFS owners say the mature slowly. He's been swimming in happy little circles for a week now, and is starting to get horns.
Holly just got home from the vet for surgery, trust me, you do not want to know.
The super intelligent Moo was outsmarted by the filter, a piece of krill was stuck there and he got stuck on it so I had to turn the filter off, cut up some krill for him, and now he continues to swim in happy little circles while Pudge watches him from his tank. :roll:
Would one of you with access to the NRCC please find out what the water temperature for their bimacs is? (Do they still have bimacs?) I had heard that they breed the bimacs at 65 degrees, but don't remember whether that's their normal water temperature.

The lower seventies is about as low as is practical to keep a bimac without a chiller. Although bimacs tolerate some fluctuation in temperature, you don't want large daily fluctuations.

Also, some researchers claim that bimacs live longer in lower temperatures. Would like to find out more details.

I think its more the case that goldfish, which are the most commonly kept coldwater fish, are really messy feeders compared to most tropical fish and need bigger filters.

Anyway, if you have a tank at room temperature for goldfish.. even where I live that would be about 68 - 70deg F then that's not coldwater like what coldwater fish would really live in... hence they require more O2 to live there...

I suppose it's all how you define 'coldwater'... 70degF is cold for an angelfish but roasting for a goldfish.....

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