Kalypso (O.briareus)

those are great videos AM. and Kalypsos coloration is really cool in that snapshot with the chaetomorpha. Kalypso makes me want a briareus even more. whered you get yours if ya dont mind me askin?

I can't thank you enough for the frags and cheato. playing with kalypso really made my frustrating efforts of setting up a new tank worth while. She is so interactive and pretty. I can only hope that my efforts are as rewarding as yours.
Without bones, the fall won't hurt him:razz:. I found that noting the way the fish mongers pick them up (mantle first) was exceptionally helpful and had no trouble picking up Octane and carrying him back to the aquarium - AFTER I caught up with him - amazing how fast they can run on dry land - especially tile floor.
Glad to see you posted the arm wrestling photo! We need more photos to show what keeping an octopus is really like.

D, what do you mean when you say the fish mongers picked octopuses up by the mantle? I would think octopuses needed to be supported more.

Stuck in Puerto Rico airport with no place to leave our bags but found an access.

Nancy, the fish mongers all seemed to pickup the octos cupping the mantle in their hands and flipping them upside down. This seemed very reasonable since it supported the mantle and kept the arms clear. I found that it worked well and 'Tane did not suffer any mental or physical ill effects.
New toy. Sort of.

After that I decided to cut a slit in a more rigid bottle and stuff a clam in there since she wouldn't be able to pull the clam shell through the neck. I was hoping she would go in after it, but no. She pulled out the meat and then tried to pull the shell through for about 20 minutes.

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