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Just out of curiosity...

Sep 25, 2004
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Just out of curiosity but.. What would happen if u put a octo and squid int the same setup? Would they like have a fight to the death or somthun'?
I don't know if this has been tried so I can't really say what would happen... but once again there will be competition for food, squid will prolly get to it before the octo does. Maybe squidy might get octi?
Dunno but I have found octopus bits inside squid guts!....come to think of it I've found squid bits in squid guts!!

It's a question a few have posed, but not, as far as I am aware, online here. It's not a question I have an answer for either. It's a very interesting question!

Am I about to try and find out? No, not in the immediate future. I think I'll concentrate on keeping the squid alive for the time being.
I don't think anything would happen. I wouldn't say Squids are an octopuses main diet, but most likely...if the squid got in contact of the octopus, and the octopus was quick enough to catch it, the octopus would most likely eat the squid with no problem. If the octopus is very, very tiny, then I wouldn't even say anything would happen.

Iv always wondered what would happen if a Cuttlefish and a Squid were together. I read they aren't allowed to be in the same tanks together. What happens if they are?
Since they have different feeding patterns, and different main prey items, they rarely come together in the wild.
In captivity, they would likely kill each other in short order...
Armstrong said:
I don't think anything would happen. I wouldn't say Squids are an octopuses main diet, but most likely...if the squid got in contact of the octopus, and the octopus was quick enough to catch it, the octopus would most likely eat the squid with no problem. If the octopus is very, very tiny, then I wouldn't even say anything would happen.

Iv always wondered what would happen if a Cuttlefish and a Squid were together. I read they aren't allowed to be in the same tanks together. What happens if they are?

With an octi and squid of similar size my personal feeling is that the squid would eat the octi. Squid appear to be far more aggressive predators than octis and are rather better armed (suckker rings etc!). It's not unsual in squid stomach contents to find they have preyed on fish considerably larger than themselves (I even found shark in one once!) .

As for the cuttle- squid I think it wuld depend on the relative size of the individuals as to who would get munched!


Jean....im not too sure about that one. Octopuses get aggressive too when they need too. I would think the Octopus would totally eat the squid. Simply because the way there bodies are formed. Squid have a long cigar shaped body with small tentacles at the end 2 longer tentacles. An octopus has a smaller body...oval shaped, with very long tentacles and very thick and useable. Those 8 long thick arms will grab the squids cigar shaped body, and the squid will be stuck tryin gto be released...but that depends wif the octopus is fast enough to catch it. Otherwise...the squid are much quicker...and might leave scratches all over the octopuses skin surface. I would think the octopus will win though. Its body is more fit to grab, and hold....than a squid can.
Well gut contents analysis show that squid definitely eat octopus! And some species of squid have fairly hefty arms and tentacles! It will vary according to species and individual size but my money is still on the squid!

Agree with Jean...squid are much more rapacious, and capable of far more damage per bite than an octo (except maybe a blue ring?)...and seem to be always hungry, whereas an octo is much more curious and cautious...
Like octos better, though...
Even small squids are voracious, attacking animals 5 or 6 times their size...some species also attack "en group" and would be very, very formidable...

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