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in search of a cuttle


Sep 30, 2003
being that my octo appears to be nearing its end, i hope to be able to rear the babies but if not i would like to go back on the search for a cuttle
im am in the U.S. which is why it is so difficult Florida to be specific
if anybody has any advice or can help me get one please let me know
go to the National Resource Centerfor Cepholopods the address should be kicking round the site somewhere they guarantee live arival and theyre cuttles are lab cultured so they know the age the price vaierys (bad spelling!) depending on the species
sepia officinals $25.00-$50.00
sepia pharaonis $30.00-$80.00

$15.00 paking fee and guaranteed to be on your doorstep at 10.00am the next day now thats service (plug...plug .....plug....plug) NRCC beter read this mama needs a new dictunary :notworth:
you could say your a reasearch facility fedex wont care (em cough eh no :goofysca: dont do eh that cause :goofysca: its eh moraly wrong) just put the insert sir name here reasearch centre and charge it to your credit card em eh dont do that cause its wrong yeah i think they do send to non reasearch facilities but that might be wild colected only
Sorry, tough luck, they only send to research facilities, but if you are still in Uni, you could get them to deliver the cephs to the University then collect it from there.

Another problem is size, the pharaonis and officinalis can grow to be about 40-45cm ML, a really big tank would be needed for that. Getting enough food can be costly too since they eat so much.
i got fish from a simalar reasearch center by saying i was the British Empire Marine Biology Trust and Reasearch Center of Scotland (tip to reasearch facilities the british empire fell in the 1930s!) they found out and they didnt mind! :mrgreen:
when i fist started reding the replies i started to get all excited, i had tried the nrcc before, i was hoping maybe things had changed, last time i did say i was doing research, i said i was trying to study husbandry and i requested one male and i female specimen, they basically told me tough s*&%

as far as food i live very close to the beach and crabs are very abundant
mcatee123 said:
i got fish from a simalar reasearch center by saying i was the British Empire Marine Biology Trust and Reasearch Center of Scotland (tip to reasearch facilities the british empire fell in the 1930s!)

tut tut tut

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